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Because you write something, doesn't make it accurate,

Posted on: February 18, 2025 at 22:55:10 CT
Macgrantt MU
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25.86 yrs
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Illinois is not our main rival. They aren't even part of the SEC. You have the grandiosity,to make statements as if you represent everyone. Because you think they are the main rival, doesn't make it so.
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     RE: 68-37.. how long's it been since KU dropped out of the AP25? - Carlos Rossi KC - 2/18 21:47:02
     meanwhile, Illinois is also getting its ass kicked by an - zounami MU - 2/18 21:38:03
          You redundantly say this, but HTF does it matter & who cares - Macgrantt MU - 2/18 22:16:36
               How? Because Illinois is our main rival in basketball. (nm) - zounami MU - 2/18 22:31:03
                    Border War game is the only time anyone here gives a damn - BlackSheep MU - 2/19 08:10:04
                    Because you write something, doesn't make it accurate, - Macgrantt MU - 2/18 22:55:10
                         Kentucky & Louisville are in different conferences... - zounami MU - 2/18 22:56:12
                              Kansas is Mizzou's main rival and vice versa - BlackSheep MU - 2/19 08:12:10
                              Staw man. Illinois is not MU's main rival.If MU had won that - Macgrantt MU - 2/18 23:02:19
          RE: meanwhile, Illinois is also getting its ass kicked by an - Carlos Rossi KC - 2/18 21:49:17
          95-74... 20+ point blowout (nm) - zounami MU - 2/18 21:44:22
          Wisconsin is ranked 11(nm) - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 2/18 21:39:53
               don't stop him - meatiger MU - 2/18 21:41:37
                    You misspelled troll - smoke MU - 2/18 21:47:01
                    She edited it lol(nm) - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 2/18 21:45:49
                         holy sh*t what a b*tch lol - Cosmo MU - 2/18 22:26:38
                              Don’t worry she says it was a typo lolll(nm) - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 2/18 22:31:52
                              you guys are really melting down over a typo (nm) - zounami MU - 2/18 22:29:20
                                   what a loser - Cosmo MU - 2/18 23:04:17
                                   a "typo" that said unranked, lol(nm) - meatiger MU - 2/18 22:33:29
                                        honestly, I had no idea people could get so angry about - zounami MU - 2/18 22:52:01
                                             No one is angry - meatiger MU - 2/18 23:07:14
                         LMAO(nm) - Carlos Rossi KC - 2/18 21:57:44
                              are you laughing at the irony of this happening to you - zounami MU - 2/18 22:54:55
                         lol(nm) - meatiger MU - 2/18 21:49:51

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