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Refs were very consistent. Best I have seen in a long time

Posted on: February 6, 2025 at 07:25:20 CT
Erwin Fletcher STL
Member For:
24.05 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
as far as calling it fairly for both sides. Did they miss some sure they all do but for the most part very good.
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     Refs were pretty good - bagpipertiger MU - 2/6 10:42:03
          Agreed on both those calls / overall good game for refs (nm) - MOKE MU - 2/6 10:48:32
     You didn't watch because you couldn't stay up that late(nm) - Carlos Rossi KC - 2/6 10:29:56
          I saw a lot of holding out there but that's the way TN - Tiger Tim MU - 2/6 08:21:39
          So you think refs didn't look better than avg in 1st half? - GA Tiger MU - 2/6 08:20:17
               What the hell does that even mean - Cosmo MU - 2/6 08:47:36
                    And it doesn't cost me a dime. Your point, clown?(nm) - GA Tiger MU - 2/6 10:05:09
     it was as well refed a game as I've ever seen in the SEC(nm) - tigerinhogtown STL - 2/6 07:38:16
     Refs were very consistent. Best I have seen in a long time - Erwin Fletcher STL - 2/6 07:25:20
     No, refs played little factor. Tenn made 75% of its shots - MIZtigerZOU MU - 2/6 07:13:13
          I thought refs looked better than average in 1st half.(nm) - GA Tiger MU - 2/6 07:16:48
               Hold up. You thought the refs did a good job in the first - Lt. J. Dangle MU - 2/6 09:18:28
                    Yes. And I also figurered we'd lose.(nm) - GA Tiger MU - 2/6 10:06:35

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