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Kobe Brown had some bad matchup games too but as he

Posted on: February 5, 2025 at 23:53:35 CT
TigerFan92 STL
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16.09 yrs
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got older, stronger and wiser he had much less of them, even against much taller competition.

Mitchell can move even better than Kobe but yes he needs to work on strength, body control, and scoring accuracy. It will come but he is integral to make things happen and keep the ball moving on offense
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     Kobe Brown had some bad matchup games too but as he - TigerFan92 STL - 2/5 23:53:35
     4 game slump, and Robinson a 4 game slump.. - shorty MU - 2/5 20:52:08
     Grill only 5 shot attempts in 32 minutes hurt. - tarheeltiger MU - 2/5 20:42:46
          Looked to me like he passed up a couple shots - HDTiger MU - 2/5 21:16:30
          A lot!(nm) - oldtgr MU - 2/5 20:44:32
          never ever should Crews shoot more than Grill - DA-MURF MU - 2/5 20:43:40
               Grill apparently was being guarded to well, and Crews is - shorty MU - 2/6 00:10:40
               The let him shoot as he isn't nearly as good(nm) - TigerFan92 STL - 2/5 23:54:31
               Correct. Crews had 8 attempts in only 10 minutes! - tarheeltiger MU - 2/5 20:48:03
                    He also had 8 pts in 10 minutes. He had more points and - shorty MU - 2/6 00:07:56
          Instead of being blocked 8 times,let Grill shoot 8 3s,we W(nm) - oldtgr MU - 2/5 20:43:48
               It's not "we let" Grill shoot 8 times - they did everything - Carlos Rossi KC - 2/5 20:46:49
                    And when they run you off the line, you drive and get - tarheeltiger MU - 2/5 20:49:21
                         That isn't Grill's forte, and they are a top 5 defense. - shorty MU - 2/6 00:15:15

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