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RE: "Missouri losing out on players right now"

Posted on: February 5, 2025 at 11:33:38 CT
sarasotatiger MU
Member For:
13.02 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
I really think that it is because of Drink's personality and our success, plus facility upgrade, We really are not recruiting instate any better.
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Tenn, Florida, Texas and soon Georgia - tigereyez MU - 2/5 10:45:28
     RE: Tenn, Florida, Texas and soon Georgia - sarasotatiger MU - 2/5 18:17:34
     That doesn't make sense for Missouri. - tgrfan1 SEC - 2/5 15:23:39
          Lol(nm) - Genco98 MU - 2/6 16:50:15
     RE: Tenn, Florida, Texas and soon Georgia - Stump Mitchell MU - 2/5 13:40:42
          Adult film stores off the highways... (nm) - tigerpimp96 MU - 2/5 14:16:18
               World's leading walnut bowl producer not worth as much - TampaTiger87 MU - 2/5 16:11:46
          Does Tennessee really rake in a lot more tourism dollars - JeffB MU - 2/5 14:10:16
               Nashville has to pull in major $. They have exploded. nm - MATO MU - 2/8 09:52:48
               RE: Does Tennessee really rake in a lot more tourism dollars - sarasotatiger MU - 2/5 18:21:17
               RE: Does Tennessee really rake in a lot more tourism dollars - Stump Mitchell MU - 2/5 16:06:53
                    RE: Does Tennessee really rake in a lot more tourism dollars - st.charlestiger MU - 2/8 08:07:37
               yes (nm) - zounami MU - 2/5 14:10:40
          exactly... it's not feasible in a state like MO (nm) - zounami MU - 2/5 13:59:23
          TN has 9.5% sales tax. Tourism isn't carrying the load (nm) - mutigr92 MU - 2/5 13:44:32
     RE: Tenn, Florida, Texas and soon Georgia - jumbo73 MU - 2/5 13:26:23
          correct (nm) - zounami MU - 2/5 13:58:40
     They are mulling that here for everyone, not just NIL(nm) - AWOLTiger KC - 2/5 12:33:41
          MO is pushing hard to end income tax AND also - alwaysright MU - 2/7 08:14:54
          could disproportionately affect retired people - rockquarryroad MU - 2/5 22:43:44
          I believe you're missing some words in that 2nd (or should - JeffB MU - 2/5 15:03:05
          I was about to point out the same thing - implode STL - 2/5 14:30:02
          In states such as MN both are high(nm) - tman MU - 2/5 12:16:13
               IL too(nm) - DevilsAdvocate KC - 2/5 21:11:52
     RE: Tenn, Florida, Texas and soon Georgia - tmb333 MU - 2/5 11:48:28
     "Missouri losing out on players right now" - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 2/5 10:48:26
          RE: "Missouri losing out on players right now" - tigereyez MU - 2/5 13:00:28
          RE: "Missouri losing out on players right now" - sarasotatiger MU - 2/5 11:33:38
               all of that helps, yes - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 2/5 14:30:48
               agreed (nm) - zounami MU - 2/5 13:56:37
          ^^^^ loves state income tax (nm) - Cosmo MU - 2/5 11:12:32
               Thats what I read (nm) - TheWildcat MU - 2/5 12:10:52
          Agree - but that would make it even more progressive... - Carlos Rossi KC - 2/5 11:06:11

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