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Yeah this is huge…

Posted on: February 3, 2025 at 15:34:42 CT
bluetiger_ MU
Member For:
12.74 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
This was an area that needed shoring up anyways, then Haith got injured and it became an absolute necessity. We were very fortunate to get a high quality player of need this late in the transfer process, most players of this quality have already signed elsewhere.

Funny how Kansas VB has been such a great friend to us in the off season. When they hired away the Oregon VB coach, they set a series of dominos in action. First we flipped the really good Texas high school setter recruit that Kansas signed in November. And now this quality MB who was a starter at USC but just transferred to Oregon. Apparently she wasn’t real happy when the coach that signed her promptly jumped ship for the Kansas job, and we pick her up too.

Obviously Alexander from Hawaii is the gem of our 4 transfers, but these two who landed with us in large part because of the changes at Kansas and Oregon will really help, even though setter isn’t a high need area right now.
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New middle blocker for VB - DollarSigns MU - 2/3 13:47:26
     HC Sullivan gettin after it. Great news. (nm) - jumbo73 MU - 2/4 09:31:21
     Yeah this is huge… - bluetiger_ MU - 2/3 15:34:42
          I think its going to be a very fun year for MU VB fans(nm) - DollarSigns MU - 2/3 19:41:23
     Nice(nm) - TigerFan92 STL - 2/3 13:51:05

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