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RE: Sophie is going to actually have Caitlin Clark’s back. She

Posted on: February 1, 2025 at 07:56:27 CT
Ragarm MU
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25.81 yrs
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I like Sophie and would have liked her to say in Phoenix since I now live here, but after reading about this 3 way trade I think Phoenix likely is the winner of it by getting Sabally, but have to wait and see as there were so many players involved.
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     I'll bet she likes getting closer to home. I look forward - thytiger MU - 2/1 09:53:39
     RE: Sophie is going to actually have Caitlin Clark’s back. She - Ragarm MU - 2/1 07:56:27
          You kind of have to in that business. nm - thytiger MU - 2/1 09:54:45
     Another reason to watch the fever - atMIZZOUnow MU - 1/31 19:56:33
          Uh, no. You can just see the - alwaysright MU - 2/1 07:43:42
          RE: Another reason to watch the fever - zenyen MU - 1/31 20:46:16
     Oh man, I guess I will watch some WNBA next year. nm. - MUTGR MU - 1/31 19:53:29
     Sophie is a 1 (nm) - TigerMatt KC - 1/31 19:06:29
          MAGA Barbie(nm) - *M* KC - 1/31 19:25:28
               Makes me like her all the more! nm - thytiger MU - 2/1 09:56:59
               You have some problems don't you (nm) - phrejd KC - 2/1 07:51:30
                    Still would(nm) - DevilsAdvocate KC - 2/1 09:43:10
               That was trending on X earlier...(nm) - shorty MU - 1/31 20:01:19

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