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Dems really do believe that the American people

Posted on: January 29, 2025 at 12:30:49 CT
Outsider MU
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18.86 yrs
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are stupid and have no memory. They are now touting Trump and his efforts to push through the Covid vaccine, as a way to attack Kennedy on his vaccine views.

Have we all forgotten that at the time, Dems were pushing back on Trump, saying he was pushing a poorly tested vaccine, distrusted his relationship with Phizer and many of them made public statements that they would never take any vaccine that Trump had something to do with.

Certainly not a surprising twist.
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Dems really do believe that the American people - Outsider MU - 1/29 12:30:49
     Conservative nondem here, - JG A - 1/29 13:13:54
          There's an X account - mizzouSECedes STL - 1/29 13:38:38
          If this is your opinion. I’m not too worried. (nm) - Outsider MU - 1/29 13:15:59
               Yes! a key characteristic of stupid people - JG A - 1/29 13:24:14
                    Hahaha! Mirror much. (nm) - Outsider MU - 1/29 13:36:50
                    We know this. We watch you display it here - GODZILLA MU - 1/29 13:28:26
                         BAM the examples pour in! - JG A - 1/29 13:32:35
     Nah. It was more nuanced than that. They didn’t want Trump - TigerMatt KC - 1/29 12:51:38
          It was not nuanced. It was all about undermining Trump - Spanky KU - 1/29 13:06:41
               Yep. (nm) - Outsider MU - 1/29 13:16:34
               Or you have it backwards and Trump was putting pressure on - TigerMatt KC - 1/29 13:11:40
                    There is zero evidence that Trump pressured anyone at the - Spanky KU - 1/29 13:42:59
                         Well Trump bragged about pressuring them. - TigerMatt KC - 1/29 14:08:54
                              “I have been asked repeatedly whether there has been any - Spanky KU - 1/29 14:25:04
                         This discussion is going way over his head. (nm) - Outsider MU - 1/29 13:45:32
                    So you wanted to slow down the vaccine that now - Outsider MU - 1/29 13:18:32
                         Fighting against pressure to rush is not the same thing as - TigerMatt KC - 1/29 13:22:08
                              Haha! Ok Matt, got it. (nm) - Outsider MU - 1/29 13:36:08
     at NO POINT did Trump endorse a vaccine mandate - Spanky KU - 1/29 12:38:25

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