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RE: More on Money Supply and inflation

Posted on: January 27, 2025 at 15:03:31 CT
sarasotatiger MU
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12.90 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
We understand this. this is why when the government invest $1.00 in th3 economy you get roughly $1.25 back and when you cut spending you only get .67 in return. One of the reasons for the Staglation of the early 70's was the bills coming due from Vietnam. the federal government should have increased a tax to pay for it and the inflation wouldn't have been as bad. There is always timing involved. After covid the demand was high. I know my wife spent everything on anything. I am glad that you looked that up. There are a lot of principles in Macro economics. It isn't an exact science.

Edited by sarasotatiger at 15:05:10 on 01/27/25
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More on Money Supply and inflation - Spanky KU - 1/27 14:46:06
     Here you go… - TigerMatt KC - 1/27 16:41:09
          That is not the question.... - Spanky KU - 1/27 16:56:37
               There was no similar monetary policy. Never before Trump - TigerMatt KC - 1/27 17:29:36
     Milton Friedman says GFY - TigerMatt KC - 1/27 15:44:11
          the most destructive public intellectual of our time. - Spanky KU - 1/27 16:24:19
               William Grieder? LMAO even Krugman thinks he is an idiot. - TigerMatt KC - 1/27 16:28:00
                    Krugman is the lowest of all "economists" - Spanky KU - 1/27 16:30:14
                         Right.. I know you didn’t read the article. You found one - TigerMatt KC - 1/27 16:32:21
                              Krugman is the one who predicted in 2016 that the Market - Spanky KU - 1/27 16:47:59
                                   That is completely ignoring Krugman pointing out how stupid - TigerMatt KC - 1/27 17:28:23
                                        Krugman thinks Krugman is brilliant so his opinion - Spanky KU - 1/27 17:59:45
                                             And yet there are many other economists who think Greider - TigerMatt KC - 1/27 21:10:53
     RE: More on Money Supply and inflation - sarasotatiger MU - 1/27 15:03:31
          pickle and M don't (apparently) - Spanky KU - 1/27 15:16:26

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