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Sure....you stay

Posted on: January 21, 2025 at 07:55:33 CT
Mormad MU
Member For:
18.30 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
you'll always be on top if there's never anyone else to come in and challenge you.

For the girls on the team, I'd like to see them focus and get better. Improve your situation by being better. Improve your transfer status if you want to move on or your place here if you like it here. Don't be content to just play out the string. It's similar to the men's team last year, but the men were often competitive.

And speaking of competition - USCe beats OU by 41? Holy hell.
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An idea how Pingeton can go out on top… - bluetiger_ MU - 1/20 12:03:50
     Sure....you stay - Mormad MU - 1/21 07:55:33
     resign, and apologize for the c rap she forced - ADelpiero10 MU - 1/21 06:14:14
     That chance passed after Sophie graduated. Nm - BandG MU - 1/20 21:31:32
          Once she lost Sophie & the Porter family it was over - MU-TULSA MU - 1/20 21:33:10
     RE: An idea how Pingeton can go out on top… - BruceInLA MU - 1/20 13:11:06
          Jeebus (nm) - Panthera MU - 1/21 06:12:09
          She won't and she shouldn't. (nm) - go tigers MU - 1/20 13:38:33
               Jeebus (nm) - Panthera MU - 1/21 06:12:40
               It was obviously tongue in cheek… - bluetiger_ MU - 1/20 14:09:16
                    Then obviously don’t post it. Nm - ClassicTiger MU - 1/21 09:25:58
                         That’s a great idea… - bluetiger_ MU - 1/21 10:38:18

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