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it's extremely expensive to "Gates-proof" the roster...

Posted on: January 18, 2025 at 23:37:52 CT
zounami MU
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10.87 yrs
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like this & diverts millions away from the FB program.

When his buyout is eventually down to $4-5 million in a few years, we could return to normal (more sustainable) NIL funding levels of the BB program.

Gates would then have to win with an average SEC roster (like he had last year) and if he doesn't, we'll be able to move on without breaking the bank.
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Not bad for a DEI hire.. right Sue?(nm) - TigerMatt KC - 1/18 19:22:33
     Yer a mess - TigerFan92 STL - 1/19 09:01:47
     Better than 0-18, that's for sure. (nm) - zounami MU - 1/18 21:37:21
     I AM SO GOLL DURN CONFUSED RIGHT NOW!!!!1 - Mothball MU - 1/18 20:36:17
          no, I predicted the team would have a strong turnaround... - zounami MU - 1/18 21:36:18
               Link? Nope. Nm - BandG MU - 1/18 21:40:56
                    There was an entire thread about it... - zounami MU - 1/18 21:43:29
                         You don't really say that MU would be better you said.... - BandG MU - 1/18 21:54:43
                              I said the roster would be so loaded that even an 0-18 coach - zounami MU - 1/18 21:59:40
                                   Well at least after this year his buyout will be down to... - BandG MU - 1/18 22:06:54
                                        correct, and that's the strategy at this point... - zounami MU - 1/18 22:12:41
                                             The strategy is to win and then FIRE THE DADGUM COACH!!!1 - Mothball MU - 1/18 23:15:32
                                                  it's extremely expensive to "Gates-proof" the roster... - zounami MU - 1/18 23:37:52
                                                       Sometimes you are dumb as fvck...you always want to... - BandG MU - 1/19 00:47:24
                                                            You don't understand the dynamics. There's a finite amount - zounami MU - 1/19 00:55:16
                                                                 And the proof of this is where - Gavin Citrus MU - 1/19 07:23:04
                                                                 I understand it just fine thanks. Nm - BandG MU - 1/19 01:02:16
                                                                 and I explained the strategy behind the "temporary measure" - zounami MU - 1/19 01:00:58
                                                       OUR ROSTER IS TOO DADGUM GOOD SO WE HAVE TO FIRE GATES!!1 - Mothball MU - 1/18 23:52:24
                                                            I've never called for his firing, not even during the 0-19 - zounami MU - 1/19 01:03:28
                                                                 The only reason being the buyout. - haeffb MU - 1/19 05:06:47
                                                                      Correct. Without the buyout we could hire a better coach - zounami MU - 1/19 17:37:22
                                             I would say this team has as good as chance to get to... - BandG MU - 1/18 22:18:22
                                                  Of course anything can happen in the tournament... - zounami MU - 1/18 22:41:10
                         You said our DEI HIRE stole money from the football team. - Mothball MU - 1/18 21:53:05
                              No, I pointed out that extra NIL funds were diverted to - zounami MU - 1/18 21:56:05
                                   Were diverted is passive voice. WHO DADGUM DIVERTED???/ - Mothball MU - 1/18 22:05:26

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