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Oh, sorry. It was just a decent attempt. For him. Not a

Posted on: January 15, 2025 at 08:48:19 CT
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16.33 yrs
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successful one. 😂

Edited by MIZ45 at 08:49:01 on 01/15/25
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     Then he remembers he was tossed aside for KH and knows - tigertix MU - 1/15 09:04:48
     This country is a lot better off now than when Biden took - SparkyStalcup MU - 1/15 08:16:31
          LOL (nm) - Fourth and Long MU - 1/15 11:19:03
          this is one of your more incredible posts - FootballRefugee MU - 1/15 10:43:30
          worst president of my life of almost 70 years. - Coors4bob STL - 1/15 09:10:58
               70 years? - Seagull MU - 1/15 10:07:42
               W and LBJ were worse, probably Obama - SwampTiger MU - 1/15 09:17:59
                    Agreed. Just out of the ones I've been alive to "witness" - MIZ45 KC - 1/15 09:39:33
          The Biden family has done better----sold lots of scams - mu7176grad MU - 1/15 08:49:31
               and Hunter's art is everywhere these days............nm - tigertix MU - 1/15 09:05:40
          It's so much better off that - Wildcat KSU - 1/15 08:43:01
               YOU SOCIALISTS JUST DON'T WANT MUH DEMOCRATS TO - MIZ45 KC - 1/15 08:47:19
          Uhh... HOW?!?!?!?!(nm) - AWOLTiger KC - 1/15 08:36:46
          lol (nm) - pickle MU - 1/15 08:34:35
          decent job at instigating world conflict - Seagull MU - 1/15 08:25:30
               and imprisoning/eliminating political foes..... (nm) - MIZ45 KC - 1/15 08:45:49
                    Yeah, but his attempts to assassinate Trump failed - Seagull MU - 1/15 08:47:09
                         Oh, sorry. It was just a decent attempt. For him. Not a - MIZ45 KC - 1/15 08:48:19
               Let me introduce you to Sparky Stalcup. - CulturedDan MU - 1/15 08:26:45
                    RE: Let me introduce you to Sparky Stalcup. - SwampTiger MU - 1/15 08:36:20
                         I heard you're into ugly dudes dressed up as women(nm) - CulturedDan MU - 1/15 08:42:44
                              lying about others on this board is not uncommon (nm) - SwampTiger MU - 1/15 08:44:34
                                   I think somebody (who might be gay, not that there's - CulturedDan MU - 1/15 09:05:13
                                        drawing a blank (nm) - SwampTiger MU - 1/15 09:19:50
                                             wait - SwampTiger MU - 1/15 09:20:40
                                                  hahahaha. got eeem - CulturedDan MU - 1/15 09:21:55
                                                       lol (nm) - SwampTiger MU - 1/15 09:24:00
                    he doesn't know how, but biden engineered a fantastic - 90Tiger STL - 1/15 08:27:34
                         This is him - CulturedDan MU - 1/15 08:34:29
                              He's profoundly committed to his partisanship and - 90Tiger STL - 1/15 08:40:16
          When you say, "This country" do you mean Iran, China, Russia - hokie VT - 1/15 08:23:11
          If you mean he took over as we were in a global pandemic - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 1/15 08:20:27
               What pandemic? - cybertyger MU - 1/15 08:30:03
               Biden outperformed Trump even when you remove 2020 - SparkyStalcup MU - 1/15 08:25:48
                    Biden outperformed Trump? - RHAYWORTH MU - 1/15 12:46:32
                    no - FootballRefugee MU - 1/15 10:44:12
                    Is that you, JG? - MIZ45 KC - 1/15 08:45:00
                    If you look at where we were, domestically and globally - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 1/15 08:27:30
                         inflation means things are great(nm) - CulturedDan MU - 1/15 08:27:44
                              Ipso facto - Wildcat KSU - 1/15 08:51:01
                                   Lmfao (nm) - MIZ45 KC - 1/15 08:51:40
                    uhhhh(nm) - CulturedDan MU - 1/15 08:27:30
                    lmfao (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 1/15 08:26:41
          lmfao (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 1/15 08:18:26
               seriously (nm) - Tigrrrr! MU - 1/15 08:18:55
          The image of good ol' Joe is such an open joke - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 1/15 08:17:25
               Agree. His image makers opted for the folksy look instead of - hokie VT - 1/15 08:29:04
     dementia is a slow killer - SwampTiger MU - 1/15 08:13:11
          Watch him walk - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 1/15 08:16:01
               I wasn't comparing him to trump - SwampTiger MU - 1/15 08:30:52
               His gait has been a clue for the past 4 years. - Tigrrrr! MU - 1/15 08:17:59
               this started before he was elected, it just wasn't as - 90Tiger STL - 1/15 08:17:30
                    It is why he did not campaign in 2020 - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 1/15 08:21:48
     Biden isn't the one in the bubble. Nn - SparkyStalcup MU - 1/15 08:12:54

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