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why isn't there a "Rooney Rule" for white players?...

Posted on: January 7, 2025 at 21:43:18 CT
zounami MU
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10.71 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
Most of the NFL is black – over 75% of the league, despite blacks being only 13% of the population.

So if the goal is diversity and having racial representation that's proportional to the population, then why aren't NFL owners being forced to hire white Cornerbacks and Defensive Ends?

The fact is, NFL owners care about two things: money & winning. That's why they hire mostly black players... They're bigger, faster, and stronger on average.

And if blacks were good at coaching, then NFL owners would hire them at a high rate for that as well. But the best coaches tend to be white – so the owners tend to hire them more often.

But the Left doesn't like that. They want a meritocracy for hiring players, but DEI policies like the "Rooney Rule" for hiring coaches.

It's despicable anti-white racism, and hypocrisy at its worst.
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do you agree with TJ here? - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 1/7 20:03:38
     another one of these. meh(nm) - SabertoothTiger MU - 1/8 08:43:20
     why isn't there a "Rooney Rule" for white players?... - zounami MU - 1/7 21:43:18
          RE: why isn't there a "Rooney Rule" for white players?... - meatiger MU - 1/7 22:14:46
               do you need to see me play corner in the NFL to know - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 1/7 22:17:30
                    correct (nm) - zounami MU - 1/7 22:58:52
                         RE: correct (nm) - meatiger MU - 1/7 23:06:14
                              no, but an interview won't tell you if they can coach or not - zounami MU - 1/8 00:50:33
                                   RE: no, but an interview won't tell you if they can coach or not - meatiger MU - 1/8 00:57:14
                                        "you can go back and forth, even give him feedback"... - zounami MU - 1/8 01:15:31
                    RE: do you need to see me play corner in the NFL to know - meatiger MU - 1/7 22:58:05
                         Exactly. This is why Zounami is racist. If his favorite - Carlos Rossi KC - 1/7 23:19:16
                              you clearly don't know what "racism" means (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 1/8 07:19:21
                                   RE: you clearly don't know what "racism" means (nm) - meatiger MU - 1/8 08:05:57
                                        he said no such f'ing thing, meat (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 1/8 16:13:29
                                        "basically said"... That's the problem. There are nuances... - zounami MU - 1/8 10:12:12
                              Those are your words, Racist Rossi. I've explained it before - zounami MU - 1/8 00:47:25
                                   RE: Those are your words, Racist Rossi. I've explained it before - meatiger MU - 1/8 00:59:18
                                        Wrong. I already had this debate with wutang... - zounami MU - 1/8 01:08:47
                                             RE: Wrong. I already had this debate with wutang... - meatiger MU - 1/8 08:07:09
                                                  wait, are you referring to Kim Anderson and his D-2 titles? - zounami MU - 1/8 10:13:10
                              Stop projecting - meatiger MU - 1/7 23:33:16
                                   Racist Rossi can't help it. He's racist to the core. (nm) - zounami MU - 1/8 00:51:14
          Did you wear your Klan Suit to the game tonight?(nm) - Carlos Rossi KC - 1/7 22:02:46
               You're projecting your racism onto others again. (nm) - zounami MU - 1/7 22:52:49
               what do you disagree with, specifically?(nm) - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 1/7 22:12:19
                    nothing... he has severe ZDS (nm) - zounami MU - 1/7 22:57:21
                    I just like making fun of Zounami. I don't think Gates was - Carlos Rossi KC - 1/7 22:20:47
                         By projecting your racism?.. You're like a closet homosexual - zounami MU - 1/7 22:56:52
     Meh. Idc - meatiger MU - 1/7 20:43:51
          it's a violation of federal civil rights law, and would be - zounami MU - 1/7 21:45:36
               RE: it's a violation of federal civil rights law, and would be - meatiger MU - 1/7 22:02:21
                    "private entities can do what they want"... - zounami MU - 1/7 22:51:21
                         RE: "private entities can do what they want"... - meatiger MU - 1/8 00:40:16
     Yep (nm) - Hickeytime MU - 1/7 20:25:07
     Yes, and his whole story arc on the issue. - Zeaux MU - 1/7 20:08:40
     Yes it’s stupid - Bosalphus KC - 1/7 20:05:41
          Borderline insulting(nm) - DevilsAdvocate KC - 1/7 22:27:13
               The rule not you(nm) - DevilsAdvocate KC - 1/7 22:27:35

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