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Shamed Iowa pollster is mystified?

Posted on: December 15, 2024 at 10:21:14 CT
4TigersinMichigan MU
Member For:
22.28 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
She is simply being disingenuous if not telling a lie. Two things. First, if nothing else, this poll was a clear outlier and should have been reported as such. Credible pollsters do it when they see a clear anomaly as this poll was. No pollster is perfect, but they should call out when there is a clear issue. Everyone with a brain knew there was an issue here.

Second, why was it released early to heavy dem operatives if there was not an agenda involved?

She is a liar, and a disgraced one at that. And it is 100% deserved.

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Shamed Iowa pollster is mystified? - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 12/15 10:21:14
     No honest intelligent person can understand - JG A - 12/15 16:43:21
          "voted against your own interests". Uh. They voted against - MIZ45 KC - 12/15 17:51:07
               LOL in JG's world, "Socialists" vote against Communism - Wildcat KSU - 12/15 19:50:14
     How did Dem operatives have the poll results before it was - ZouMiz STL - 12/15 13:21:32
     Don’t be dishonest by taking it out of context - pickle MU - 12/15 11:48:49
     Plough admitted that Harris never led according to their - MUTGR MU - 12/15 11:38:45
     Selzer has no integrity. She lashes out at strawmen when she - BH O'bonga MU - 12/15 11:04:04
     I totally agree. Retire in disgrace partisan hack - RHAYWORTH MU - 12/15 11:03:58

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