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RE: I don't think MU has increased prices in 12 years.

Posted on: December 12, 2024 at 15:36:10 CT
slamduncan KC
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23.51 yrs
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2015 kind of killed their ability. They had to get an 11 and 9 win season and momentum back before they could do it. IMO.
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Ticket Renewals Going Out Now - MUatSMS MU - 12/12 13:27:31
     60% increase on tickets and TSF donation on average(nm) - TigerFan92 STL - 12/12 17:54:14
     My section is the same as yours as far as ticket price - TigerJackSwartz MU - 12/12 14:35:25
          The new chair backs suck...bring back the padded ones. Nm - BandG MU - 12/12 16:04:57
     RIP basketball season tickets sales... - MU85 MU - 12/12 14:23:50
          Unless they are very very good you are correct(nm) - TigerFan92 STL - 12/13 16:49:57
     RE: Ticket Renewals Going Out Now - slamduncan KC - 12/12 14:11:01
          Not for me. The tailgating/spectator experience is worth it - TigerJackSwartz MU - 12/12 14:36:26
               I don't think MU has increased prices in 12 years. - Lerxst MU - 12/12 15:02:00
                    RE: I don't think MU has increased prices in 12 years. - slamduncan KC - 12/12 15:36:10
               RE: Not for me. The tailgating/spectator experience is worth it - BruceInLA MU - 12/12 14:53:28
               RE: Not for me. The tailgating/spectator experience is worth it - slamduncan KC - 12/12 14:46:34
     My seats went down in price by 55 bucks per seat - ZouMiz STL - 12/12 14:05:34
          That's actually amazing - MUatSMS MU - 12/12 14:29:47
               No TSF donations required for the 300's (nm) - ZouMiz STL - 12/12 14:35:09
                    I forgot about that. Enjoy it while it lasts! (nm) - MUatSMS MU - 12/12 14:43:57
          As someone who sits up there but has never once gotten - MizzouAstro MU - 12/12 14:10:49
               100% increase in ticket price for me - chuckaluck MU - 12/12 14:43:01
               They were clutch when you'd been drinking all day(nm) - ZouMiz STL - 12/12 14:20:50
                    the only times I ever checked the line, it was 50 f*cking - MizzouAstro MU - 12/12 14:21:41
                         Have to grab 3 or 4 when you get there and keep them in your - ZouMiz STL - 12/12 14:22:49
                              That is when you have ladies following you all over(nm) - meatiger MU - 12/12 14:24:08
          they ain't gonna help get Miller Moss(nm) - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 12/12 14:06:12
               He a big free hotdog guy? Nm - MIZtigerZOU MU - 12/12 14:07:06
                    maybe - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 12/12 14:24:02
                         so he's more of a Hot Pocket guy?(nm) - MizzouAstro MU - 12/12 14:32:40
     60%? That’s quite a jump - MIZtigerZOU MU - 12/12 13:51:06
          60% is okay but if my TSF went from $1000 to $2000 per seat - TigerFan92 STL - 12/12 14:06:56
               Yeah. My donation doubled also. The prime seat thing worked - MIZtigerZOU MU - 12/12 14:08:30
                    I was a larger donor when I bought company seats and - TigerFan92 STL - 12/12 14:13:13
          not having the Rams and the Cardinals tanking will help(nm) - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 12/12 14:04:40
          If will if fans want to demand excellence and not accept - Gavin Citrus MU - 12/12 13:54:23
               Yeah. I’m sure I’ll renew mine like always, but I have a - MIZtigerZOU MU - 12/12 13:55:30
                    They will be replaced (nm) - Uncle John KC - 12/12 13:57:30
                         RE: They will be replaced (nm) - slamduncan KC - 12/12 14:07:22
                              Probably rich people who want the best seats (nm) - Uncle John KC - 12/12 14:28:02
                                   There have been plenty of excellent seats that they have - go tigers MU - 12/12 18:57:49
                                   RE: Probably rich people who want the best seats (nm) - slamduncan KC - 12/12 14:31:21

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