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I was worried after KU lost early in week

Posted on: December 8, 2024 at 15:05:39 CT
fatrat MU
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6.05 yrs
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figured they would come out pounding.
great job Mizzou on closing it out
classy of Gates to call time out and let them get off the court.
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I was worried after KU lost early in week - fatrat MU - 12/8 15:05:39
     Me too, never want tto play a decent after they have a loss(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 12/8 16:03:09
     They only played 1 half..24 pts are hard to overcome(nm) - oldtgr MU - 12/8 15:37:25
     Classy by Gates for sure. If it were me, I would've liked to - ImpalaSS MU - 12/8 15:08:09
     I'm the opposite. Expected a win after Creighton exposed - zounami MU - 12/8 15:07:43
          But you were hoping that Mizzou would lose. (nm) - go tigers MU - 12/8 18:20:35
          Not me at all .. I'm still in shock and w/o Grill(nm) - oldtgr MU - 12/8 15:38:28
          YOU EXPECT DADGUM EXCELLENCE!!!!11 - Mothball MU - 12/8 15:14:57
          Creighton, Creighton, Creighton nm - MIZtigerZOU MU - 12/8 15:08:59
          Haha you're nothing if not predictable - Gavin Citrus MU - 12/8 15:08:48
               He’s shocked everyone sees through it. Confuses him - MIZtigerZOU MU - 12/8 15:09:44
                    Well he's not bright so it's not unexpected - Gavin Citrus MU - 12/8 15:11:16
                         You'd think this weirdo would have learned his lesson... - Mothball MU - 12/8 15:16:06
     RE: I was worried after KU lost early in week - MIZtigerZOU MU - 12/8 15:06:57

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