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He makes $2 million a year. We won't hire a coach willing

Posted on: December 5, 2024 at 10:02:14 CT
alstl MU
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to work for that little.

Plus he coaches in the Big East which isn't the same level as the Horizon.
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     He makes $2 million a year. We won't hire a coach willing - alstl MU - 12/5 10:02:14
          and McDermott doesn't check a DEI box.... - zounami MU - 12/5 10:32:13
               He makes more than $2 million - wu-tangtiger MU - 12/5 10:39:09
                    The internet says $2 million - alstl MU - 12/5 11:10:38
                         He signed an extension recently - wu-tangtiger MU - 12/5 11:26:27
                    What is McDermott's salary?... Gates' is $4M/year. (nm) - zounami MU - 12/5 10:40:59
                         *crickets* - zounami MU - 12/5 11:25:05
                              Panthera is a _________ . - zounami MU - 12/5 16:18:02
                              ^^Moran^^^(nm) - Panthera MU - 12/5 12:16:16
                                   I agree. (nm) - zounami MU - 12/5 16:18:09
     RE: McDermott, wasn’t he interviewed for Mizzou at - CPA MU - 12/5 07:09:23
     Rebounded well from a failed 4 year run - wu-tangtiger MU - 12/4 21:51:40
          He did a Frank Haith before Fran Haith to beat firing from - Sigma MU - 12/5 08:11:22
               Got the Creighton job because of his son and at the same - tigertix MU - 12/5 09:38:04
                    Altman upped Creighton. McDermott was running from - Sigma MU - 12/5 10:21:06
                         It was the right move for him. - wu-tangtiger MU - 12/5 10:26:52
               Fran Haithschilla(nm) - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 12/5 09:25:25

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