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I'm still sure you didn't read the post correctly. It said

Posted on: October 23, 2024 at 15:39:35 CT
Lt. J. Dangle MU
Member For:
21.48 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
"highest rated SEC offensive lineman".

SEC is the entire conference, not just the Missouri team.

Are you really complaining about having the highest graded OL in the SEC?

Also fyi, being named the highest graded OL in the SEC is definitely NOT heading in the wrong direction.

I am more certain now that you read the OP incorrectly or as others have pointed out, you may be retarded.

Edited by Lt. J. Dangle at 15:41:42 on 10/23/24
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Membou - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 10/23 13:55:39
     Dude is a stud - optigr50 MU - 10/23 17:27:56
     Lot of butthurt responses to that tweet nm - pinkman MU - 10/23 14:50:48
          We can get that in this thread (nm) - Gary P. MU - 10/23 17:25:25
          kinda wierd there seem to be several twitter accounts that - phrejd KC - 10/23 15:49:34
     Yikes he has not had a great year - TigerFan92 STL - 10/23 14:12:26
          Any chance you can spend some time with him? - Gary P. MU - 10/23 20:08:59
          Jesus Christ dude (nm) - TigerJackSwartz MU - 10/23 14:39:55
          huh? (nm) - phrejd KC - 10/23 14:31:51
          Did you misread the post? (nm) - Lt. J. Dangle MU - 10/23 14:21:46
               Nope he's had penalties and whiffs - TigerFan92 STL - 10/23 15:07:04
                    You must be thinking of Camron Johnson “the turnstyle” nm - mu-ku 2009 MU - 10/23 18:17:48
                    I'm still sure you didn't read the post correctly. It said - Lt. J. Dangle MU - 10/23 15:39:35
                         membou's pff grades this year: - phrejd KC - 10/23 16:34:28
                    SO GOLL DURN FRUSTRATED AT THESE TURDS AND THEIR AZZES!!!!1 - Mothball MU - 10/23 15:20:32
                    it's almost like you're trying to be retarded (nm) - phrejd KC - 10/23 15:11:57
                         Cool, you should watch the games. - TigerFan92 STL - 10/23 15:19:29
                              He's been called for 2 penalties on the season. A hold - Lt. J. Dangle MU - 10/23 16:22:20
                                   He's about allowed brady to be killed several times - TigerFan92 STL - 10/24 08:22:55
                                        "highest graded OL in the SEC" (nm) - Lt. J. Dangle MU - 10/24 08:52:18
                              you're an idiot - 90Tiger STL - 10/23 16:00:52
                              We are 17-3 in the last 20 games. - Mothball MU - 10/23 15:22:08
                              yeah, we should definitely trust your eyes from 15 rows up - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 10/23 15:21:47
                                   you can see a lot from some of the worst seats in the house - phrejd KC - 10/23 15:34:59
                                        LOL(nm) - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 10/23 15:44:08
          RE: Yikes he has not had a great year - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 10/23 14:15:27
          I'M SO GOLL DURN FRUSTRATED ABOUT THAT PENALTY!!!!111 - Mothball MU - 10/23 15:23:50

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