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RE: Who looks better a healthy Pachecho, or Kareem Hunt? IDK

Posted on: October 9, 2024 at 11:18:17 CT
KC rules MU
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12.97 yrs
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If Steele can get the fumble problem under control, he's a very good short yardage back and has helped already in that situation. The first hit almost never brings him down.
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     Hunt is getting the job done brilliantly(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 10/9 13:24:50
     I prefer Hunt. Pacheco might be more likely to break one - mizzou541 KC - 10/9 12:28:11
     I know a lot of it is on the OL, but Hunt hasn't been - CulturedDan KC - 10/9 12:09:32
          he's way better at cuts and getting up through the gaps(nm) - AWOLTiger KC - 10/9 12:12:44
     A healthy Pacheco is better. Hunt has done well, but it has - Carlos Rossi KC - 10/9 11:54:11
     Both - ERB KC - 10/9 11:50:58
     Hunt it seems. He is more shifty. Pachecho more - SabertoothTiger MU - 10/9 11:29:58
          its a damn hard choice - colonel angus beef KC - 10/9 11:33:52
               agree. I do wonder if pacheco will ever be the same. - SabertoothTiger MU - 10/9 11:36:38
     thuney, creed, and smith are moving people this year - colonel angus beef KC - 10/9 11:27:15
          I think Morris will get better. In time, I think Kingsley - Diamond Dave MU - 10/9 11:30:42
     RE: Who looks better a healthy Pachecho, or Kareem Hunt? IDK - KC rules MU - 10/9 11:18:17
     Hunt looks better(nm) - Diamond Dave MU - 10/9 11:15:34
     Pachenko? I don't think he plays - Mormad MU - 10/9 11:10:15
          lol, I need readers for everything now - Macgrantt MU - 10/9 11:15:59
               Auto-corrects to nonsensical crap don't help either - Mormad MU - 10/9 11:48:04

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