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The obsession with ku continues

Posted on: September 18, 2024 at 07:58:50 CT
Genco98 MU
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5.69 yrs
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I am amazed that some just grasp at any straw regarding a school that we left in the dust 12 years ago.
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Leipold's wife critical of kU fan support - TigerJackSwartz MU - 9/17 15:08:31
     it was fake last week when it was posted too - CulturedDan KC - 9/17 19:32:32
     they are worried about a monkey pox outbreak. - RHAYWORTH MU - 9/17 18:28:55
     Regardless of accuracy, ku twitter - Gary P. MU - 9/17 17:18:26
     Not filling 18k soccer stadium?(nm) - tigerdb MU - 9/17 16:47:09
     at some point you guys have to stop falling for this - phrejd KC - 9/17 16:14:27
          The obsession with ku continues - Genco98 MU - 9/18 07:58:50
               I think that everytime I see one of these posts. - tigerman81 MU - 9/18 08:58:03
     wow, bet she loves the check they get - fatrat MU - 9/17 15:54:57
     come on son(nm) - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 9/17 15:40:37
     Recycled again and again, it's not even original(nm) - tigerman81 MU - 9/17 15:34:22
     I thought someone last week or so determined that was - Erwin Fletcher STL - 9/17 15:10:30
          Yes, TigerMatt debunked it: - JeffB MU - 9/17 16:24:58
          ku best beat wvu this week or leipold may have wished ... - tmcats KSU - 9/17 15:17:22
               It wasn't the first time that photoshop showed up: - JeffB MU - 9/17 17:32:58
               Did you think this thread was an invitation? Bugger off(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 9/17 15:49:05
                    25 years and 38k+ posts on another team's board - SatoriTiger JC - 9/17 17:26:34

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