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Our Lord said that you will know them by their fruits. He

Posted on: September 12, 2024 at 16:06:51 CT
JeffB MU
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21.13 yrs
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was probably not talking about the fruits all over the Democratic Party, of course, that that would also be relevant.

He also said, '‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me.’

and Kamala is in favor of government funding of the ongoing brutal slaughter of tens of millions of innocent unborn human beings.

That is far worse than not knowing the Bible.
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Welcome aboard Caitlin - playhard KC - 9/12 15:24:07
     A lesbian liking a tranny’s endorsement is what SI - TigerMatt MISS - 9/12 19:35:09
     That'a a smart business move on her part (nm) - MIZ45 KC - 9/12 17:11:28
          Don't know why they can't keep their politics secret.... - Logan BAMA - 9/12 19:09:20
     RE: Welcome aboard Caitlin: Do you care what a wnba player - BH O'bonga MU - 9/12 15:57:22
          Not sure about that - playhard KC - 9/12 16:15:24
     Won’t work, the wnba lesbians will still hate her. (nm) - Outsider MU - 9/12 15:47:09
          They are. - CulturedDan KC - 9/12 18:34:32
     Maybe she's just supporting her voicing an opinion(nm) - Eggs MU - 9/12 15:40:59
          Could be, but are we not told Brittany Mahomes and Patty - playhard KC - 9/12 15:50:26
          but a "like" - meatiger MU - 9/12 15:42:47
     Is musk going to sexually assault her too?(nm) - tigerdb MU - 9/12 15:40:53
          Her Catholic doctrine must not be important to her, or - JeffB MU - 9/12 15:39:03
               Whut? Trump claims to be just as pro abortion as - tigerdb MU - 9/12 18:14:11
               Do you think Trump and Republicans are sin free? - Macgrantt MU - 9/12 16:26:28
                    Of course they aren't, but look at the tragic facts: - JeffB MU - 9/12 16:38:23
                         Personally, a deranged POTUS could initiate - Macgrantt MU - 9/12 16:56:27
               My wife is catholic and is a registered republican - playhard KC - 9/12 15:52:55
                    It would be extremely difficult to evaluate those concerns - JeffB MU - 9/12 16:02:03
                         Maybe they should pay a fine for killing a fetus like God - TigerMatt MISS - 9/12 19:36:16
                         I used to think that way - JimD MU - 9/12 17:04:39
               catholic women support harris over trump, at least - noodle MU - 9/12 15:45:49
                    That is very tragic. It shows how many who self-identify as - JeffB MU - 9/12 15:48:25
                         One of the funnier moments is when trump was asked - playhard KC - 9/12 15:57:49
                              Our Lord said that you will know them by their fruits. He - JeffB MU - 9/12 16:06:51
                                   He or she did not say that. Some man wrote a story.(nm) - Toger STL - 9/12 16:33:03
                                        I understand that you reject God and God's Law. What do - JeffB MU - 9/12 16:41:23
                         Capital punishment is against Catholic doctorine. - kmawv8 KC - 9/12 15:52:33
                              plus it's stupid to let them off with an injection ... - tmcats KSU - 9/12 16:58:52
                              Although I don't think that we do not need capital punishmen - JeffB MU - 9/12 16:08:22
     Who's he?(nm) - AWOLTiger KC - 9/12 15:32:45
          RE: She isn't a billionaire yet, but I guess some millionaires - sarasotatiger MU - 9/12 15:34:52
               Ouch. I would have expected at least 6 figures: - JeffB MU - 9/12 15:41:35
     Taylor Swifte and wnba players - Th8tnTiger MU - 9/12 15:26:59
          Relax, you’ve still got Robert Ritchie(nm) - playhard KC - 9/12 15:28:29
               Who?(nm) - Th8tnTiger MU - 9/12 15:28:49
                    Robert Ritchie(nm) - playhard KC - 9/12 15:29:31
                         I don't know who that is.(nm) - Th8tnTiger MU - 9/12 15:32:45
                              Google is your friend(nm) - playhard KC - 9/12 15:59:26
          Dana Bash nailed these guys - Bosalphus KC - 9/12 15:27:43
     She’s afraid she’d really get the **** kicked out of - tigerNkc KC - 9/12 15:26:42
     Welcome aboard to what?(nm) - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 9/12 15:25:01

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