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Gotta love the media today. A full article that about an

Posted on: August 28, 2024 at 12:07:17 CT
tgr MU
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21.59 yrs
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innocuous tweet and the random replies to it. I guess that's the state of the "media" today.
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Sophie making headlines. - ZouMiz STL - 8/28 09:10:40
     Much more pleasing to the eye than butch women that look - shorty MU - 8/29 13:27:28
     if you got it - work it(nm) - alstl MU - 8/29 09:05:25
     No publicity is bad publicity nm - pinkman MU - 8/29 00:39:18
     Work it Sophie............nm - tigertix MU - 8/28 18:28:02
     Probably the only link I've ever click that has - AWOLTiger KC - 8/28 14:53:44
     Shocking to have a woman in the WNBA(nm) - TigerFan92 STL - 8/28 14:43:08
     She is hating all the attention (nm) - mutigr92 MU - 8/28 13:03:10
     Gotta love the media today. A full article that about an - tgr MU - 8/28 12:07:17
          Sophie is a member of the media as an analyst for the Suns - MOKE MU - 8/28 17:32:08
               She should start an OnlyFans to really promote herself (nm) - Columbian Gold MU - 8/28 17:45:04
          Media always reported on this stuff. It was just at the - SabertoothTiger MU - 8/28 12:27:02
               RE: Media always reported on this stuff. It was just at the - AWOLTiger KC - 8/28 14:51:17
                    I should have put air quotes around legit. I didn't want - SabertoothTiger MU - 8/28 15:31:08
     she's the best(nm) - TigerA MU - 8/28 09:47:28
     Lol(nm) - TheRoyalTiger MU - 8/28 09:37:16

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