It's a lot like reading posts on here or social media, you
Posted on: July 27, 2024 at 17:13:27 CT
Member For:
21.12 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
have to listen to the context and use reason and logic.
There's a reason the person who uploaded that video only gave a 30 seconds clip with no context. Without context people could make it imply various nefarious story lines that would get a lot of clicks and outrage those who hate him the most, and want to believe the worst of him.
Do you really think that he was telling people that he's going to be a dictator and stop elections in the future? Or does he look and sound like Biden in one of his dementia brain locks?
I don't think so.
The obvious answer is that he was imploring people to get off their duffs and take the time and energy to get out and vote... ~ the country is a mess and could get much worse, but vote for me and I'll fix things and those of you who are not inclined to go to the polls won't have to do so next time... We'll fix things and will right the ship. The country will be in much better shape in four years and you won't have to worry about things by the next election.