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The question is, will those people just not vote

Posted on: July 8, 2024 at 16:34:06 CT
Eggs MU
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25.49 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
or switch to Trump?

Both candidates have tens of millions who will vote for them literally no matter what. It's the undecided people in the swing states that matter more than anything. I expect very low turnout.
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I spoke of Trump's newfound campaign discipline and some - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 7/8 15:52:58
     Let the Dems circle the wagons and shoot inwards - OntheMark MU - 7/8 18:40:27
     and liberalizing the populist platform along the way(nm) - tmcats KSU - 7/8 16:05:01
     No one can dispute the less trump the better - JG A - 7/8 15:59:03
          Funny, that goes for you as well. (nm) - Outsider MU - 7/8 16:51:21
          More Biden, the better it is - mizzouSECedes STL - 7/8 16:05:05
               Dems don't have a choice though - Eggs MU - 7/8 16:19:48
                    The voting public's mind is made up on Biden. Nothing he can - BH O'bonga MU - 7/8 16:27:23
                         The question is, will those people just not vote - Eggs MU - 7/8 16:34:06
                              RE: The question is, will those people just not vote - BH O'bonga MU - 7/8 16:56:19
     He'll drop in the 'very stupid people" in a campaign rally - mizzouSECedes STL - 7/8 15:53:38
          his vocabulary would challenge an 8th grade placement test(nm) - tmcats KSU - 7/8 16:05:48
               I agree with Red - your TDS has turned you into a big baby - El Zorro MU - 7/8 16:40:04
               Waaaahhhh(nm) - redngray MU - 7/8 16:14:31
               Elite diction and elocution = - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 7/8 16:14:09

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