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Yeah it is unless you're almost 50 and a shower curtain...

Posted on: July 5, 2024 at 14:27:55 CT
Gyro STL
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22.10 yrs
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salesman like Del Rossi over there. Dude is so ashamed he's now touting that he "owns his own company". LOL

Won't talk about it though. OUCH
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Concannon - bluesox7 MU - 7/5 13:41:33
     That’s pretty cool - Hickeytime MU - 7/5 18:48:42
     nice!(nm) - cnk ATL - 7/5 17:54:07
     You have invented a new level of sh*tty… - Carlos Rossi KC - 7/5 14:14:04
          not too ****ty when they are asked to open for a - bluesox7 MU - 7/5 14:19:08
               What are these National bands?(nm) - Carlos Rossi KC - 7/5 14:21:01
                    Google the name of the tour and find out. (nm) - Nebraska99 STL - 7/5 14:33:47
                    Why should he tell you? So you can stalk his kid too?(nm) - Gyro STL - 7/5 14:21:38
                         Oh my. Coming from you this is a gem. - Carlos Rossi KC - 7/5 14:24:47
                              Looks like the people have spoken... - Gyro STL - 7/5 14:26:55
               He's jealous...he has 8 or 10 kids or some... - Gyro STL - 7/5 14:20:58
                    Do you want to read about the 2nd goal your daughter scored - Carlos Rossi KC - 7/5 14:22:21
                         47(nm) - Gyro STL - 7/5 14:28:24
                         I think you're stalking the wrong guy... - Gyro STL - 7/5 14:22:58
          You're a miserable human being LOL... - Gyro STL - 7/5 14:18:55
               I mean my gosh, a 14 year old lead singer and guitarist - bluesox7 MU - 7/5 14:26:59
                    Yeah it is unless you're almost 50 and a shower curtain... - Gyro STL - 7/5 14:27:55
                         Show me on the doll where I hurt you… - Carlos Rossi KC - 7/5 14:30:05

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