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its time again for some conservative thought

Posted on: July 5, 2024 at 13:38:19 CT
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20.65 yrs
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which is rarely brought up and NEVER discussed

First I am a strong proponent of the most conservative issue possible-the environment. No one has the right
to negatively impact our air water or land via pollution. And people who actually know what they are talking about should determine how best to regulate pollution , not political hack judges. Congress has already made the law (ESA, Clean Air Act, Clean Water ACT, etc). Congress MUST act to protect America (though they will not cause they are just as corrupt)

- we should eliminate:
IRS. Income should never be taxed

- we should have a super strong defense. So the military should get a 25% pay cut and 5% more every year they can't pass an audit. China is the main concern to take over the world and their budget is 1/3 of ours militarily

- abortion is should be legal in all cases of mother endangerment, rape and incest. Laws making assistance criminal in cases of legal abortions should be declared
Unconstitutional (but good luck with this corrupt SC)

- this years income should be two years from nows budget
with a 1.5 percent debt buydown baked in.

-a President should NEVER be able to call up any part of the National Guard for a foreign war where we were not clearly attacked first.

-the Patriot Act should be repealed

- virtually everything the government does should be available to the general public.

- the government should not subsidize any business or industry except in time of war or national emergency- real ones not us starting a war or some BS emergency

- all forms of welfare or unemployment should be temporary and exchanged for something- work, time whatever

- there should be virtually no contracting of
jobs the government should be doing exclusively
(mercs, prisons, etc)

- the government probably should get out of the marriage business all together between human beings and possibly aliens (no animales)

-any extractive industries using government resources should compensate by at least market value.
Example : no building roads for clear cutters to come in and leave. They pay for the road and pay to rehab the forest after. Same with mining and oil.

-We should let anyone into this country that has a job waiting or can get one within 30 days. But no benefits of any kind until they become citizens. and yes this includes no schooling for illegals. (thats one of the most ridiculous liberal things ever). Adequate resources must be brought to achieve this

-obviously that means no stupid azz walls.

-Education should be in English , with the exception of
crash courses in teaching foreign language speakers to learn them some English

Executive orders should be illegal

-The opposite party in power should nominate Supreme Court and other justices. This would address the whole legistlating from the bench issue and place judges who adjudicate the law rather than play politics routinely

-The Supreme Court is completely out of control and unaccountable. Terms should be for 12 years and Congress must impose some sort of ethics guidelines upon them

-Gerrymandering should be illegal. district boundries should be regular shaped except where a city or county or state is not so regularly shaped

-Political contributions to individuals parties or PACs should be taxed at at least 100% of the contribution
(payable by the recipient). Anything left over by the recipient after the election cycle (cleanup and bill paying) should be turned over to the appropriate government level -city county state fed
-education needs a lot more STEM emphasis and a lot lot lot lot lot less social engineering (from both wings of the liberal party)

-punishment for violent crimes, use or possession of a gun in committing a crime, and organized theft must be punished more severely with drug possession decreased
-UFOS and UAPS. There should be no DeepState above the President (sucky as so many are) . What the govenment
knows about aliens and aircraft and other dimensions etc must be made public. Not how the aircraft etc operate
(chemicals , physics etc) but their existence. The lions share of black budget occurs in this area. It should be totally unacceptable to anyone that this occurs

well thats a short list

heres some things a conservative is not

thinks the President should have unlimited unchecked power and immunity

thinks businesses are more important and have more rights than people

thinks war is good

thinks pollution is good

thinks corruption is good

thinks racism is good

thinks the govenment is exempt from its own rules and laws

Edited by JG at 14:40:44 on 07/05/24
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its time again for some conservative thought - JG MU - 7/5 13:38:19
          yes Never for the National Guard - JG MU - 7/5 14:34:23
               If so, you are in favor of the 'right' to intentionally kill - JeffB MU - 7/5 14:43:23
                    Not everything has an easy answer - JG MU - 7/5 15:10:56
                         But this thread is about *your* beliefs, not others. It - JeffB MU - 7/5 15:47:32
                              The mother should have a choice - JG MU - 7/5 18:15:30
     stopped after the first paragraph, basically lib talking - Th8tnTiger MU - 7/5 14:08:41
          Yep. And he thinks if he says to get rid of the letter - MIZ45 MU - 7/5 14:11:17
     I didn't read your schizo babble - ChinaTiger KC - 7/5 14:06:34
     TLDR - Wildcat KSU - 7/5 13:48:06
          Yeah, I stopped at "people that know what they're talking - MIZ45 MU - 7/5 14:03:43
     more precisely ... - tmcats KSU - 7/5 13:45:02
          exactly, Keep the trump - JG MU - 7/5 13:47:07

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