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The lawfare group behind the Trump prosecutions Apoplectic

Posted on: July 2, 2024 at 21:50:14 CT
JeffB MU
Member For:
20.60 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
at Immunity Decision


...The alarming aspect to the tribal Lawfare approach, is to realize how this essentially very small group of former DOJ-NSD lawyers commands such an oversized influence on our national politics.

In reality, this crew is likely less than 20 full-time characters with about a half-dozen lawyers used as spokespeople. Essentially, the public voice to keep the hardcore leftists on the optimal message. However, this group also writes the legal strategies for all of the attack approaches used in Atlanta, Georgia (Fani Willis), New York (Alvin Bragg) and DC/FL with Special Counsel Jack Smith.

Within Main Justice, it is Deputy AG Lisa Monaco who takes the Lawfare instructions from the outside group and funnels them back into actionable work within the DOJ (ie to Jack Smith). It’s a similar process as to how the inside and outside group coordinated and used Robert Mueller.

Andrew Weissmann, Mary McCord and Norm Eisen (with occasional guests), can be seen daily watching very closely how their legal briefs, citations and structured legal motions are being used. Yes, it is their written words, their legal briefs, and their filings that are signed by the government officials and submitted into multiple judicial venues.

[NOTE: FOIA or subpoena the Lawfare communication pipeline, and you end up with 15 iPhones that mysteriously and identically have the wrong password entered 10 times, and that deletes all the content – just like the last time someone tried with the Lawfare group around Mueller {citation}.]

♦ Well, that’s who they are…. So, we cannot say we don’t know the exact names of the people at the epicenter of the operation, and you do not need to read the proverbial overuse of the word “they” without knowing exactly who they are.

With the Supreme Court ruling yesterday on presidential immunity, the Lawfare group is absolutely apoplectic and fraught with anxiety about it.


Why this much extreme vitriol?

The answer is very simple. Andrew Weissmann speaks about the exact reason in this soundbite. Listen at the 01:37 point, when Weissmann says the ruling now puts the President in charge of the DOJ-NSD. THAT reality is beyond alarming to a group who have lived in a world where they were untouchable. WATCH: https://youtu.be/hrR92V-3fUw?t=384 ...
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The lawfare group behind the Trump prosecutions Apoplectic - JeffB MU - 7/2 21:50:14
     Trump needs to go thru them like Sherman on his way to - Tigrrrr! MU - 7/2 21:57:54

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