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On Friday, George step-in-all-the-plss will give a hard

Posted on: July 2, 2024 at 20:52:19 CT
hokie VT
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8.66 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
hitting interview with whispering Joe Biden. The initial interview will be recorded on Friday and air on Sunday. That will give them plenty of time to edit the interview before revealing it.

A few possible scenarios:

1. the interview will go so horribly that they won't air it at all. Recordings will be mysteriously destroyed, so no one will be able to see it, ever.

2. Screaming Joe Biden will do a masterful job and read from notes answering questions that he had no idea were coming.

3. Parts of the interview will leak out and pressure on whispering Joe Biden to remove himself will increase.

4. The interview will be shown and will be an accurate reflection of the pathetic mental state of the sitting president of the United States. Cringe Sean Pierre will go to the podium about a week later and say that Joe had another bad day.
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On Friday, George step-in-all-the-plss will give a hard - hokie VT - 7/2 20:52:19
     Underestimate Joe if u want but he already beat Medicare(nm) - El-ahrairah BAMA - 7/2 23:14:07
          And corn pop. He was a bad dude, you know. Nm - hokie VT - 7/3 05:56:45

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