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in fairness, Arizona & ASU were good additions....

Posted on: July 1, 2024 at 16:25:13 CT
zounami MU
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10.20 yrs
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albeit substantial drop-offs from Texas & Oklahoma.

My definition of a "power conference" is one that has multiple perennial NC contenders. The Big 12 will have that in basketball with Kansas and Arizona, but who will its perennial contenders be in football?


Neither of those schools has a realistic chance of winning a 12-team playoff.

We all saw what happened to TCU when it faced Georgia in the NCG.

Edited by zounami at 16:26:41 on 07/01/24
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     That ship has sailed - Genco98 MU - 7/1 17:45:57
     new 'SEC Shorts' video... - zounami MU - 7/1 15:32:45
          RE: new 'SEC Shorts' video... - Genco98 MU - 7/2 05:46:15
     keep writing that and oh ... - tmcats KSU - 7/1 14:34:09
          bragging about them choosing b12 over WSU and OSU lol - BurgTiger MU - 7/2 05:52:18
          What value do the Arizona schools bring over TX and OU? - Diamond Dave MU - 7/1 15:58:58
               in fairness, Arizona & ASU were good additions.... - zounami MU - 7/1 16:25:13
                    No, they were necessary additions and basketball means - Diamond Dave MU - 7/1 16:47:14
          It is starting to set in. The Lil 12 is screwed... - Carlos Rossi KC - 7/1 15:31:45
          Is B12 better off or worse off today? Now your only - Diamond Dave MU - 7/1 15:08:05
     Texas Destroyed the SWAC, Big 8 & Big 12 - mu4ever DUKE - 7/1 14:22:11
     "The 3-years-in-the-making switch to the SEC... - zounami MU - 7/1 13:19:04
          ou finished 1-3 v. k-state, no wonder they're happy(nm) - tmcats KSU - 7/1 14:34:56
               You would need to win the next 35 to even the series out(nm) - Erwin Fletcher STL - 7/2 08:25:02
               Conveniently went with the last 4 games for some reason. Why - Diamond Dave MU - 7/1 15:34:15
                    because it is the klieman era(nm) - tmcats KSU - 7/1 21:22:21
                         We're probably heading into a new era now. Good luck. (nm) - JeffB MU - 7/2 12:32:59
                         Ooh, the Klieman era!(nm) - Diamond Dave MU - 7/2 09:40:39
               it's better to lose to alabama or lsu than k-state or ucf (nm) - zounami MU - 7/1 15:01:12
          makes it sound like it was planned for 50 years. The whole - SabertoothTiger MU - 7/1 14:22:16
               Sue is a big Texas fan (nm) - ChinaTiger KC - 7/1 15:33:52
               RE: makes it sound like it was planned for 50 years. The whole - implode STL - 7/1 14:57:56
               it's a big deal for the schools, the conference, and for - zounami MU - 7/1 14:26:14
                    meh. in your opinion. if they want to have - SabertoothTiger MU - 7/1 14:32:45
                         it's like moving from the minors to the majors (nm) - zounami MU - 7/1 15:02:10

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