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By having a tapout list? πŸ˜† (nm)

Posted on: July 1, 2024 at 06:57:06 CT
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T/F - The Republican Party would be - haeffb MU - 6/30 19:17:58
     Define "better off". I don't GAF about the Republican party - 90Tiger STL - 6/30 19:47:13
     100 and 50% - JG A - 6/30 19:30:48
     Defend Joe, go.......................................nm - tigertix MU - 6/30 19:20:29
     F … Trump should have never been impeached (nm) - Sal CMSU - 6/30 19:19:20
          He was, though - haeffb MU - 6/30 19:34:20
          The spineless Senators SHOULD - JG A - 6/30 19:32:08
               The left didn’t even have a crime - Sal CMSU - 6/30 19:32:57
                    I know - JG A - 6/30 19:35:30
                         What crimes were listed in the articles of impeachment? (nm) - Sal CMSU - 6/30 19:36:36
                              Why is that important? (nm) - haeffb MU - 6/30 20:30:55
                              don't know the exact verbage - JG A - 6/30 19:37:48
                                   JG full of crap as usual - Wildcat KSU - 6/30 22:15:59
                                   pitiful ignorance (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 6/30 19:55:25
                                        LOL compared to you? - JG A - 6/30 19:59:00
                                             you talk a big game but no woefully little. puffery and - 90Tiger STL - 6/30 20:07:12
                                                  LOL - JG A - 6/30 20:12:44
                                   GD, this is weak - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 6/30 19:51:23
                                        I stoop to conquer, BTW - JG A - 6/30 20:00:02
                                             By having a tapout list? πŸ˜† (nm) - MIZ45 MU - 7/1 06:57:06
                                   name the statutes listed in the articles (nm) - Sal CMSU - 6/30 19:38:32
                                        I'm sure you can google them - JG A - 6/30 19:59:33
                                             You know all of us honest posters know this is you - MIZ45 MU - 6/30 21:14:42
                                             try googling them, get back to us. Good Luck, low info - 90Tiger STL - 6/30 20:21:39
                                             They don’t exist JG (nm) - Sal CMSU - 6/30 20:12:55
                                             so fvcking ignorant an pitiful (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 6/30 20:09:05
          Agreed(nm) - meatiger MU - 6/30 19:19:55

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