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His puppeteers only care to the extent that it impacts their

Posted on: June 30, 2024 at 22:28:36 CT
JeffB MU
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20.59 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
ability to remain in power.

They undoubtedly do care to an extent, but it isn't their primary goal. It is just a means to an end. If they can do so by other means they will do whatever it takes.

With regard to the voters, what leverage do they have? They are essentially given a binary choice at this time... It's either Biden or Trump.

Looking presidential isn't really all that high on most people's list of what will determine their vote. Many don't think that their vote will really matter much, if any, anyhow.

What are they going to do to demand he look presidential, jump up and down? Scream at the sky?

Edited by JeffB at 22:32:23 on 06/30/24
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     Well at least he doesn't send out mean tweets.....nm - tigertix MU - 7/1 07:35:23
     He’s acting like Woodrow Wilson(nm) - Spanky KU - 6/30 23:02:33
          RE: He’s acting like Woodrow Wilson: Except, Biden can still - BH O'bonga MU - 7/1 06:27:36
     Remember all the media talk about the 25th Amendment - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 6/30 22:35:26
     His puppeteers only care to the extent that it impacts their - JeffB MU - 6/30 22:28:36
          Their main goal is to end elections and this can be achieved - tigertix MU - 7/1 07:39:49
          RE: His puppeteers only care to the extent that it impacts their - THEGROVE68 MU - 6/30 23:32:13
     that's like asking Trump to act more Presidential - tigerinhogtown STL - 6/30 22:27:18
     Do they still think the adults are in charge?(nm) - Wildcat KSU - 6/30 22:26:26

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