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RE: Did anyone see the news clip on him?

Posted on: June 30, 2024 at 19:30:36 CT
missinglink MU
Member For:
19.45 yrs
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He had the caps lined up, put on a Mizzou cap & then took it off to put on a SC cap. Not very mature of him.
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Simms announcing around 3:15(nm) - Fool on the Hill MU - 6/30 14:46:28
     No worries be in the Portal in a year.nm - FentonMizzou MU - 6/30 16:31:26
     RE: Simms announcing around 3:15 here is the link - drywallerdave MU - 6/30 15:08:24
          RE: Simms announcing around 3:15 here is the link - Tiger1948 MU - 6/30 16:07:09
          Thanks. Looks like the announcement is 4pm. nm - MATO MU - 6/30 15:30:06
     Anyone have a link to watch? nm - MATO MU - 6/30 14:48:20
          Most seem to think he is USC bound - drywallerdave MU - 6/30 15:02:40
               USC it is - drywallerdave MU - 6/30 16:06:51
                    RE: Did anyone see the news clip on him? - missinglink MU - 6/30 19:30:36
                    Seriously. Why do we waste time with CBC? - JohnGalt MU - 6/30 16:56:19
                         Probably why we signed Terry and pursued him with a strong - nomotiger MU - 6/30 17:32:15
                              RE: Probably why we signed Terry and pursued him with a strong - sarasotatiger MU - 6/30 18:25:19
                              lol the cbc kids rarely live up to the hype - Moball2play SWT - 6/30 17:52:21
                    RE: Pick him up on the rebound - missinglink MU - 6/30 16:37:42
                    RE: USC it is - Ragarm MU - 6/30 16:34:42
                         Or he is a young man mesmerized by Hollywood. - shorty MU - 6/30 16:54:38
                              RE: Or he is a young man mesmerized by Hollywood. - Ragarm MU - 7/1 08:06:35
                    St Louis. JFC 🙄(nm) - redngray MU - 6/30 16:16:06
                         Stupid(nm) - McKinneyTiger MU - 6/30 16:47:02
                              Why? - redngray MU - 6/30 17:59:46
                                   RE: Why? - sarasotatiger MU - 6/30 18:22:29
                                        RE: Why? - redngray MU - 6/30 18:32:20

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