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This is one of the worst Cardinal teams

Posted on: June 28, 2024 at 22:54:33 CT
Ferg MU
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25.19 yrs
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this century it’s unlikely they make it to the World Series. It’s even more unlikely that the Royals make it.
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THAT’S A WINNER!!!!!!!!!!(nm) - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 6/28 21:54:58
     The Shack would come unglued with another I-70 - Carlos Rossi KC - 6/28 22:10:20
          This is one of the worst Cardinal teams - Ferg MU - 6/28 22:54:33
               They’re worse than the 91 loss team from last year? Even - playhard KC - 6/29 11:18:33
                    I agree it was a pretty dumb comment but to be fair - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 6/29 13:07:19
               I doubt either make it to the World Series, but if - Carlos Rossi KC - 6/28 23:07:45
                    The Cardinals are also streaky. They were the2nd worst team - TheWildcat MU - 6/29 06:38:25
                         And they do get to play a large share of NL teams(nm) - tigerNkc KC - 6/29 07:50:14
                              but so does everyone else in the NL - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 6/29 08:01:06
                    It’s about being hot going into - Ferg MU - 6/28 23:31:35
                         2011 team didn't have the horses either (nm) - mizzouSECedes STL - 6/29 09:06:43
                         That’s my point. If the Royals somehow make it - Carlos Rossi KC - 6/28 23:35:13
                              Cards turned it around, gotta give credit - mizzouSECedes STL - 6/29 09:07:31
                              I know it’s been almost 10 years since you’ve been there - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 6/29 07:58:43
                                   The Royals have like four winnings seasons in the past 25 - Erwin Fletcher STL - 7/1 09:00:34
     Guarantees at least a Wahoo split. Now win the next two - DHighlander NWMSU - 6/28 22:04:13
          Sweep them. Gain four games(nm) - tman MU - 6/28 22:34:38

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