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back when I used to work at Software Etc in the 90s

Posted on: June 28, 2024 at 13:57:32 CT
Joeboo MU
Member For:
20.49 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
there was this one Mall cop that used to come in all the time looking for the latest issue of Video Toaster Magazine (Amiga graphic rendering software)

We just all called him Amiga Man. He's literally the only person that ever came in looking for Amiga stuff.

He'd always say "Do you know that they do all of the special effects for Babylon 5 on an Amiga"

Yeah...we don't care
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     I imagine the plug gets pulled ... any day now. (nm) - Tiger_Claw STL - 6/28 17:22:57
          Just say the words "Adbl0ck Plus" and Nick will magically - Tigrrrr! MU - 6/28 21:46:43
     Can't believe I've been on here over 25 years (nm) - bagpipertiger MU - 6/28 14:39:22
          Quarter century is a long time for an Internet - oleMIZZOU MU - 6/29 13:37:25
          my handle is almost old enough to legally drink(nm) - Joeboo MU - 6/28 14:43:53
               Damn. Hadn't thought about that. Mine is already. (nm) - cooter MU - 6/28 15:39:36
               Mine can rent a car(nm) - Eggs MU - 6/28 14:59:57
                    Kaw is starting to get grossed out by mine(nm) - CulturedDan KC - 6/28 15:03:04
                         air came out of my nose reading your post(nm) - cnk ATL - 6/28 15:08:07
     4/19/2016 - Joeboo MU - 6/28 13:55:10
          Side note, Hbomb always makes me think of - cooter MU - 6/28 14:00:16
               mmm 20 year-old Brie Larson(nm) - Joeboo MU - 6/28 14:01:34
                    RE: mmm 20 year-old Brie Larson(nm) - Gyro STL - 6/28 14:27:19
                    Not sure how I missed that all these years - cooter MU - 6/28 14:10:33
          goddam how tf was that 8 years ago? (nm) - MizzouAstro MU - 6/28 13:58:52
               thats like 2 Covids ago(nm) - Joeboo MU - 6/28 13:59:26
                    Obama was still president. - cooter MU - 6/28 14:09:04
                         Hirambe was still alive(nm) - Joeboo MU - 6/28 14:09:55
                              dicks out!(nm) - cnk ATL - 6/28 14:19:59
          That's outstanding - cooter MU - 6/28 13:55:49
               I like that the subsriber hover/popup doesnt censor - Joeboo MU - 6/28 13:58:29
     2017 I think(nm) - FIJItiger MU - 6/28 13:52:25
          When was - cooter MU - 6/28 13:53:03
               Before 2017, because it’s fallen off the search archives (nm) - FIJItiger MU - 6/28 13:55:03
     Outside of a few people who hate each other - Eggs MU - 6/28 13:47:47
          oops... meant for your other thread(nm) - Eggs MU - 6/28 13:48:10
               opps...(nm) - McMuffin MU - 6/28 15:33:06
               no, its applicable to the Shack(nm) - Joeboo MU - 6/28 13:49:10
                    I was think the same thing. The shack is a - SabertoothTiger MU - 6/28 14:28:38
                         it's our sh*tshow(nm) - Joeboo MU - 6/28 14:50:02
                    Well, the discussion he referenced was on the shack - Eggs MU - 6/28 13:54:19
                         Do you really think so? I always assumed that the politics - cooter MU - 6/28 13:55:15
                    agreed. (nm) - cooter MU - 6/28 13:53:22
     that happened a decade ago - MizzouAstro MU - 6/28 13:46:35
          There are ads here?(nm) - AWOLTiger KC - 6/28 14:55:36
               Ummmm - Panthera MU - 6/28 19:01:14
          The Amiga 500 that this place is hosted on - Joeboo MU - 6/28 13:48:39
               makes me think back. Some decent games for that - SabertoothTiger MU - 6/28 14:11:42
                    20lb laptops with 10" screens and enough fans to sound - Joeboo MU - 6/28 14:49:07
               I dunno. If he really is running it on an Amiga 500 - cooter MU - 6/28 13:54:33
                    back when I used to work at Software Etc in the 90s - Joeboo MU - 6/28 13:57:32
                         I know a guy that has a stack of them in - cooter MU - 6/28 13:58:37
                              ahead of their time stuff almost always fails otherwise - SabertoothTiger MU - 6/28 14:16:17
                                   RE: ahead of their time stuff almost always fails otherwise - cooter MU - 6/28 14:17:50
          valid point. (nm) - cooter MU - 6/28 13:47:03
     I assume until something catastrophic happens at the - SabertoothTiger MU - 6/28 13:44:15
          Pretty sure it’s a hosted site - haeffb MU - 6/28 15:24:35
     Tomorrow (nm) - SatoriTiger JC - 6/28 13:44:01

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