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Are all lobbyists bad or just the ones you don't like? I

Posted on: June 26, 2024 at 10:09:25 CT
hokie VT
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8.64 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
know, let's dissolve the government then there will be no one for lobbyists to lobby.


Because all taxation is theft. Or something.
Because property rights. Or something.

And of course, natural laws. Or something.
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So bowman lost and boebbert won - Th8tnTiger MU - 6/26 09:08:53
     how so? - JG A - 6/26 09:37:58
          Are you actually pro Israel? - Reagan STL - 6/26 10:16:58
               I'm not pro nor anti Israel - JG A - 6/26 10:29:20
                    Correct. You're just pro-whatever the democrats tell you to - MIZ45 MU - 6/26 12:31:31
                    RE: I'm not pro nor anti Israel - AWOLTiger KC - 6/26 12:25:52
          Why lie? - Spanky KU - 6/26 09:58:26
          By getting or not getting more votes than the other - MIZ45 MU - 6/26 09:39:18
     OMG Things are going to really change now!(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 6/26 09:11:55
          I wouldn't bet on it(nm) - Th8tnTiger MU - 6/26 09:20:27
               lol (nm) - Sal CMSU - 6/26 09:21:21
     Israel picks our rulers - El-ahrairah BAMA - 6/26 09:11:28
          Are all lobbyists bad or just the ones you don't like? I - hokie VT - 6/26 10:09:25
               make it easy and outlaw lobbying - Sal CMSU - 6/26 10:23:42
                    Yeah, that pesky freedom of speech thing... nm - hokie VT - 6/26 10:29:49
               Certainly all foreign ones are bad - El-ahrairah BAMA - 6/26 10:19:15
          better than guys like Bowman would be - Sal CMSU - 6/26 09:13:22
               Yea, this Latimer guy backed by Hillary will do much better - El-ahrairah BAMA - 6/26 09:17:41
                    Backed by Trump donors too - ChinaTiger KC - 6/26 09:20:27
                         Which means what, exactly? - Sal CMSU - 6/26 09:20:59
                              Nothing, just an anti semitic conspiracy - ChinaTiger KC - 6/26 09:30:42
                                   I think you all need to make up your mind (nm) - Sal CMSU - 6/26 09:32:31
                                        Clearly you're bothered and defensive (nm) - ChinaTiger KC - 6/26 09:34:28
                                             super duper bro (nm) - Sal CMSU - 6/26 09:49:38
                    If nothing changes then why continue to whine - Sal CMSU - 6/26 09:18:15
                         It’s not that nothing changes, this new guy is worse - El-ahrairah BAMA - 6/26 09:20:37
                              How can it be worse if nothing changes? (nm) - Sal CMSU - 6/26 09:21:11
                                   Things are getting worse - El-ahrairah BAMA - 6/26 09:29:06
                                        So certain candidates do matter, I guess - Sal CMSU - 6/26 09:29:34
                                             Not from me - El-ahrairah BAMA - 6/26 09:34:33
                                                  Not about candidates - Sal CMSU - 6/26 09:38:26
                                   Waiting til Trump wins - meatiger MU - 6/26 09:28:03
                                        The OP has nothing to do with Trump (nm) - Sal CMSU - 6/26 09:29:07
                                             RE: The OP has nothing to do with Trump (nm) - meatiger MU - 6/26 09:30:22
                                                  a'ight den (nm) - Sal CMSU - 6/26 09:32:56
               The guy that won will be another straight party vote lock - hefeweizen MU - 6/26 09:14:32
                    cool (nm) - Sal CMSU - 6/26 09:15:58
                         Nothing changes. (nm) - hefeweizen MU - 6/26 09:17:15
                              I thought AIPAC was picking the wrong people though? (nm) - Sal CMSU - 6/26 09:18:29
                                   Hefe & Th8tn said nothing would change. - kmawv8 KC - 6/26 09:34:56
                                        I'm not doing that at all - Sal CMSU - 6/26 09:42:46
     He in fact did not get it poppin' with the vote (nm) - Sal CMSU - 6/26 09:10:29

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