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RE: And of course: What's your problem? The body cam video

Posted on: June 26, 2024 at 08:58:52 CT
BH O'bonga MU
Member For:
4.62 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
The man was approaching him aggressively and the taser didn't stop him. Would you rather the officer tried to disarm the 'suspect' by wrestling with him? Or maybe you're one of those people who believe the cops should have shot him in the leg first.
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Transgender problem solved.... - Tigrrrr! MU - 6/26 07:28:12
     Why is the word "transgender" even in that - Sarazen KC - 6/26 11:33:31
     RE: Transgender problem solved.... - sarasotatiger MU - 6/26 08:47:33
          What is your solution since it was unnecessary?(nm) - Calca STL - 6/26 09:05:05
               Call a violence interruptor to respond and sing Cumbaya. (nm) - Tigrrrr! MU - 6/26 09:39:46
     An Illegal alien with previous crimes against children - mizzouSECedes STL - 6/26 08:23:05
     And of course - meatiger MU - 6/26 08:19:07
          Sure they did. - Tigrrrr! MU - 6/26 08:39:00
          RE: And of course: What's your problem? The body cam video - BH O'bonga MU - 6/26 08:24:20
               RE: And of course: What's your problem? The body cam video - sarasotatiger MU - 6/26 08:49:41
                    RE: And of course: What's your problem? The body cam video - BH O'bonga MU - 6/26 08:58:52
                         Shoot the knife out of his hand(nm) - Calca STL - 6/26 09:00:43
                              Remington 870 with 00 buckshot - Tigrrrr! MU - 6/26 09:03:05
               RE: And of course: What's your problem? The body cam video - meatiger MU - 6/26 08:37:07
                    RE: And of course: What's your problem? The body cam video - BH O'bonga MU - 6/26 08:59:57
                         It’s 830 pm where I am at (nm) - meatiger MU - 6/26 09:02:45
                    LOL. - Tigrrrr! MU - 6/26 08:41:36
                         Why should anyone be obligated - meatiger MU - 6/26 09:04:13
                              The citizens should never be protected in a society - mizzouSECedes STL - 6/26 09:25:30
                                   RE: The citizens should never be protected in a society - meatiger MU - 6/26 09:31:50
                                        He had a long history of committing crimes against - mizzouSECedes STL - 6/26 09:34:02
                                             RE: He had a long history of committing crimes against - meatiger MU - 6/26 12:10:12
                                                  Facial recognition - mizzouSECedes STL - 6/26 13:57:05
                              Yes (nm) - Tigrrrr! MU - 6/26 09:04:33
                                   Of course - meatiger MU - 6/26 09:05:54
                                        Take your hands out of your pockets when you are - Tigrrrr! MU - 6/26 09:11:01
                                             Yet when the State goes after your - meatiger MU - 6/26 09:14:09
                                                  LOL....The Trump card. - Tigrrrr! MU - 6/26 09:38:31
     Excuse me, Trannies are not a problem, they are a - hokie VT - 6/26 07:55:19
          More will be coming to replace you - El-ahrairah BAMA - 6/26 08:58:38
          Thanks for the Episcopalian sermon(nm) - CulturedDan KC - 6/26 08:32:07
          Fvck the police..... - Tigrrrr! MU - 6/26 08:07:11

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