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Mizzou’s poor track team wont have bearing on his success

Posted on: June 22, 2024 at 14:20:52 CT
MizzouAstro MU
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18.10 yrs
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as a thrower since he can win individual championships (just like wrestling.) If he doesn’t come to Mizzou it’s because he wants to go to school somewhere else (or will make more money elsewhere.)
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Jackson Cantwell Link - normrecruit MU - 6/21 21:18:32
     RE: Jackson Cantwell Link - sarasotatiger MU - 6/22 06:34:05
          Also Oregon's history in Track and Field. nm - normrecruit MU - 6/22 08:09:31
               Note the particular shade of neon in this message (link) - Fool on the Hill MU - 6/22 18:16:07
               Right, he'll play two sports.........nm - tigertix MU - 6/22 08:16:55
     He’s been to Mizzou several times. N - JohnGalt MU - 6/21 22:59:36
          RE: Mizzou Track is subpar - missinglink MU - 6/22 10:51:53
               Mizzou’s poor track team wont have bearing on his success - MizzouAstro MU - 6/22 14:20:52
                    I assume he can double dip NIL being a two sport star - MrTruman2U MU - 6/22 17:08:08
                         I expect Phil Knight will have a monetary impact. nm - normrecruit MU - 6/22 17:54:00
               Track is an individual sport...his dad did it at MU... - BandG MU - 6/22 11:46:20
                    Can we hire his dad to be the shot coach? (nm) - bagpipertiger MU - 6/22 13:30:31
                         He's qualified - JayHoaxH8r MU - 6/22 13:47:02
          good to know nm - normrecruit MU - 6/22 06:10:18

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