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RE: I’m gonna call BS on that.

Posted on: June 17, 2024 at 20:47:24 CT
BH O'bonga MU
Member For:
4.61 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
stick it, chickenhawk. The rules aren't applied evenly. The book means nothing for the upper ranks and academy grads.
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     He does that regularly.. and was wrong here - Spanky KU - 6/17 16:00:21
          Looks spot on to me here: - MUTGR MU - 6/17 17:01:53
               and yet he fails in his "military assessment" - Spanky KU - 6/17 17:17:21
                    RE: and yet he fails in his "military assessment" - MUTGR MU - 6/17 17:36:09
                         "suggest greater loss" - Spanky KU - 6/17 18:31:37
          Article is crap. Of course Ukraine - GA Tiger MU - 6/17 16:07:39
               No true bio to be found on the retired LTC.... - Spanky KU - 6/17 16:46:44
                    No true bio to be found on the retired LTC: Do you believe - BH O'bonga MU - 6/17 16:56:50
                         CIB is earned. Do you think he has one?(nm) - Spanky KU - 6/17 17:07:47
                              RE: CIB is earned. Do you think he has one?(nm) - BH O'bonga MU - 6/17 17:23:21
                                   He was not Infantry... so no(nm) - Spanky KU - 6/17 18:32:14
                                        RE: He was not Infantry... so no: Just giving you an example - BH O'bonga MU - 6/17 18:45:24
                                             I’m gonna call BS on that. - Spanky KU - 6/17 19:03:25
                                                  RE: I’m gonna call BS on that. - BH O'bonga MU - 6/17 20:47:24
                                                       and yet you cannot show that.... - Spanky KU - 6/17 21:19:43
                              He had a Bronze Star for Valor in Iraq & a Bronze Star for - JeffB MU - 6/17 17:15:18
                                   RE: He had a Bronze Star for Valor in Iraq & a Bronze Star for - BH O'bonga MU - 6/17 17:42:01
               RE: Article is crap: Yeah, all the experts are on Quorum. - BH O'bonga MU - 6/17 16:41:29
               RE: Article is crap. Of course Ukraine - ChinaTiger KC - 6/17 16:21:44
     Ok. Does he approve of US missiles into russia?(nm) - GA Tiger MU - 6/17 15:44:47
          No. There is no tactical advantage to doing so & it GREATLY - JeffB MU - 6/17 15:48:02
               May be no tactical advantage but there - GA Tiger MU - 6/17 15:59:46
                    What would be Putin's motivation for war with the West? - BH O'bonga MU - 6/17 18:06:44
                    So you are for reducing the size of our conventional army & - JeffB MU - 6/17 16:19:05

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