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There are many videos

Posted on: June 17, 2024 at 16:31:31 CT
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20.62 yrs
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Most do not show one of the trucks clearly cutting off the bus. Who would NOT be threatened when surrounded by trumplican psychophants?
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     Sounds like political targeting to me (nm) - Sal CMSU - 6/17 13:21:15
          Yes it was - JG MU - 6/17 13:24:37
               lol hold up is this the video you're referring to? - Sal CMSU - 6/17 13:59:40
     Loud noises(nm) - AWOLTiger KC - 6/17 13:11:58
     lol definitely something a "conservative" would be defending - Th8tnTiger MU - 6/17 12:58:52
          My post wasn't about the case really - JG MU - 6/17 13:09:19
               then why did you post that specific article? (nm) - Sal CMSU - 6/17 13:21:33
                    I believe I explained that all quite clearly - JG MU - 6/17 13:23:42
                         show the video then of this vicious attack - Sal CMSU - 6/17 13:57:27
                              LOL soon as you show where I called it a vicious attack - JG MU - 6/17 14:50:19
                                   I found the video - Sal CMSU - 6/17 14:59:59
                                        There are many videos - JG MU - 6/17 16:31:31
               It's crazy how often you make the case that you and Trump - MIZ45 MU - 6/17 13:14:45
     I'm sorry your liberal democrat friends were offended - mizzouSECedes STL - 6/17 12:58:12
     Muh Dems!(nm) - Wildcat KSU - 6/17 12:56:12
     Why do you keep talking about someone you vowed to not - MIZ45 MU - 6/17 12:51:40
     You talking about truth and facts is very funny. (nm) - Outsider MU - 6/17 12:51:12
          none better - JG MU - 6/17 12:56:24
               You're the ENTIRE board's unanimous pick for top liar - MIZ45 MU - 6/17 13:17:12

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