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Haha! Remember when Joe said you can’t go into

Posted on: June 17, 2024 at 12:46:53 CT
Outsider MU
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18.27 yrs
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a 7-11 and not see an Indian working there? Of course mass outrage would have ensued had Trump said that but since Joey did…it’s good.
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When the dems dump joe will they keep kamala? - Th8tnTiger MU - 6/17 11:08:18
     They will keep Joe and celebrate the 1st Black female - Spanky KU - 6/17 11:41:26
          wait, Joe is alive? - Coors4bob STL - 6/17 12:53:52
          Yup, she never won any primary & end up being POTUS - MU-TULSA MU - 6/17 12:43:02
               She finished damned near last in the primaries. (nm) - Tigrrrr! MU - 6/17 12:51:46
          Joe may be going somewhere before Nov and it won’t - Outsider MU - 6/17 11:44:27
               He is diminished, not dying(nm) - Spanky KU - 6/17 11:55:20
                    If he were to die before the election would that - Outsider MU - 6/17 12:05:40
                         Yes.(nm) - Spanky KU - 6/17 12:06:04
                              Well, let the Biden watch begin. (nm) - Outsider MU - 6/17 12:07:54
                                   We need a lottery.... - Tigrrrr! MU - 6/17 12:42:52
     They will be absolute racists if they dump her… - Outsider MU - 6/17 11:33:51
          She ain't black. She's Indian (dot) and Jamaican. - Tigrrrr! MU - 6/17 12:20:30
               TIL Jamaican can’t be black (nm) - haeffb MU - 6/17 12:34:07
                    Her Irish great grandpa diddled the help. (nm) - Tigrrrr! MU - 6/17 12:50:55
               You know that and I know that but the dims don’t. (nm) - Outsider MU - 6/17 12:24:56
                    She's better qualified to run the Slurpee machine at 7-11 (nm) - Tigrrrr! MU - 6/17 12:35:24
                         Haha! Remember when Joe said you can’t go into - Outsider MU - 6/17 12:46:53
     You need some attention, huh?(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 6/17 11:16:30
          What do you think raskolnikov, will they keep kamala? - Th8tnTiger MU - 6/17 11:28:19
               You are so gullible. - raskolnikov MU - 6/17 13:22:48
                    Hahaha! He’s fine? He might still be able to bounce - Outsider MU - 6/17 13:29:53
               When his staff talks about no one being able to keep up - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 6/17 11:30:57
                    lol(nm) - Th8tnTiger MU - 6/17 11:34:53
          You are a dishonest pos partisan hack (nm) - hefeweizen MU - 6/17 11:22:54

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