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You have been showed many videos of him

Posted on: June 17, 2024 at 11:22:06 CT
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that clearly show he is mentally gone but you bury your head in the sand because you are lying partisan hack.
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Honest queston for Trump supporters... - Gyro STL - 6/17 10:32:45
     If he loses in November he is losing to a guy that is not - Iron DUKE - 6/17 11:09:10
          You obviously do not pay attention to very much - raskolnikov MU - 6/17 11:19:50
               I pay attention to enough to know we have a puppet as our - Iron DUKE - 6/17 13:52:24
               You is dumb - Spanky KU - 6/17 12:05:49
               You have been showed many videos of him - GODZILLA MU - 6/17 11:22:06
                    No sir - raskolnikov MU - 6/17 11:54:06
                         You is dumb..... - Spanky KU - 6/17 12:43:02
                              Not what happened, but you are EASILY conned(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 6/17 13:29:07
     If he loses in November, might as well pack it in - Th8tnTiger MU - 6/17 10:56:13
          LOL, okay... - Gyro STL - 6/17 11:00:39
               answer the question, coward - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 6/17 11:51:32
     what is a “Trump supporter”, Gyro?(nm) - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 6/17 10:55:19
     He’s only had one loss: 2020 - pickle MU - 6/17 10:48:21
     20 may have been stolen, 22 was baby killers victory. - Coors4bob STL - 6/17 10:36:29
          Here is all the evidence that 2020 was stolen - raskolnikov MU - 6/17 11:21:33
          ^^^^^^^^ - El Zorro MU - 6/17 11:21:05
     Well, he won't run again - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 6/17 10:34:23
     If Trump wins, will the left accept the results? (nm) - mizzouSECedes STL - 6/17 10:33:49
          RE: If Trump wins, will the left accept the results? (nm) - patriot MU - 6/17 12:04:03

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