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All MLB decisions revolve around what is best for three or

Posted on: June 16, 2024 at 21:49:43 CT
DHighlander NWMSU
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15.84 yrs
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Four franchises. MLB has failed to realize what all the other professional leagues seem to have figured out. The product they are selling is not the Yankees, Dodgers or Red Sox their product is competition. When two or three teams account for 75% of league payroll the competition is going to suffer.

Add to that numerous fan bases who have very limited access to their teams and you have a league that is circling the drain.
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     The players union will be the problem.(nm) - Erwin Fletcher STL - 6/17 06:54:21
     Agree, lack of salary cap is among the top 10 fatal flaws - FIJItiger MU - 6/17 02:16:17
     All MLB decisions revolve around what is best for three or - DHighlander NWMSU - 6/16 21:49:43
     They need to control the TV revenues league wide - kmawv8 KC - 6/16 21:41:57
     Lack of a legit salary cap has already killed it - 615Tiger STL - 6/16 20:40:53
          correct. everything else is just band-aids(nm) - TigerFan92 STL - 6/16 21:59:07
          Inability to show your product to your local fan base - playhard KC - 6/16 20:49:35
               Live in Columbia, get majority of games - implode STL - 6/16 21:45:13
                    Incorrect - BigDave MU - 6/16 23:12:02
     agree, having no cap is insane to me(nm) - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 6/16 20:39:26

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