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Don't know about the announcement, but he just broke the

Posted on: June 15, 2024 at 06:52:59 CT
Fourth and Long MU
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11.59 yrs
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national high school shot put record.

Will he play football in college, focus on throwing or do both?

He just visited Oregon (likely the only school who could challenge Mizzou) and is visiting USC today.

Edited by Fourth and Long at 07:12:47 on 06/15/24
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What is Cantwell referring to here? He’s not - Fool on the Hill MU - 6/14 22:53:31
     def not a college commitment - MizzouAstro MU - 6/15 17:48:34
     Probably this… - Fool on the Hill MU - 6/15 11:24:42
     Don't know about the announcement, but he just broke the - Fourth and Long MU - 6/15 06:52:59
          RE: Don't know about the announcement, but he just broke the - jonnyg11224 MU - 6/15 17:40:56
          Can he do both, track did his dad right..........nm - tigertix MU - 6/15 17:20:57
          RE: He broke the National Sophomore shot put record - missinglink MU - 6/15 11:40:43
          Not a lot of money in a career shot put, nm - MU-TULSA MU - 6/15 08:41:56
               His dad could have been a MU football player and chose track - Catfish MU - 6/15 08:49:55
                    Hire his parents as track coaches - JayHoaxH8r MU - 6/15 17:38:26
     RE: What is Cantwell referring to here? He’s not - nomotiger MU - 6/15 01:16:51

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