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I knew one of you would say that, and I knew it wouldn't be

Posted on: June 12, 2024 at 15:39:59 CT
hokie VT
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8.63 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
One of the stupid elves or pickle surrogates.

Here is the difference:

I've posted here before that for America hating vermin, The end justifies the means. They are righteous. Their cause is just their means are necessary.

Lies and deceit are part of their arsenal to work for, "the greater good".

When right wing journalists use subterfuge to get information, their methods are unethical, their means are unnecessary, and their truth is therefore devalued.

Here's the big difference. The lying lefty got in there and found nothing incriminating, unethical or untoward in any way.

But when breitbart did that to find that planned parenthood was selling used baby body parts on the black market for cash which was in violation of the law, I believe in violation of their own stated policies and violation of their charter. Pretty sure about those, not positive.

Not to mention, planned parenthood's actions were disgusting, disgraceful, and destructive.

Nonetheless, those journalist were excoriated for using false pretenses for getting information and the fruit from the poisoned tree as our sanctimonious press called it, made the information invalid and the story was ignored.

In this case, subterfuge, deceit and dishonesty were used and gained nothing at all. Only the self righteous attempt to work for "the greater good".

The methods were similar, you are correct. The results and the reaction were diametrically opposite.
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     nothing alito said was remotely newsworthy (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 6/12 17:23:01
     the 51 that signed the "laptop is russian" said the same. - Coors4bob STL - 6/12 15:57:10
          The leftist mantra, "by any means necessary". Nm - hokie VT - 6/12 16:04:48
               That's Rask's - Wildcat KSU - 6/12 16:46:33
     I heard she’s the Caboose - mu4ever DUKE - 6/12 15:27:38
     OUTRAGE - Panthera MU - 6/12 15:19:35
     Isn't that what James O'Keeffe does? - ummmm MU - 6/12 15:06:40
          I knew one of you would say that, and I knew it wouldn't be - hokie VT - 6/12 15:39:59
               Holy **** you are stupid (nm) - TigerMatt MISS - 6/12 16:56:02
               Your first post takes issue with the means of obtaining the - ummmm MU - 6/12 16:25:12
          It's what police are 'allowed' to do according to the US - cnk ATL - 6/12 15:12:18
               That was a small part of the decision made by a "liberal" - pinkman MU - 6/12 16:23:13

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