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RE: Question

Posted on: June 9, 2024 at 11:08:12 CT
alwaysright MU
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     Question - alstl MU - 6/8 20:31:17
          He didn't have a rotation set at start or end of season(nm) - LamarFrazier MU - 6/11 10:32:57
          I don't agree with Fiji often but last year was possibly the - sprintcar STL - 6/10 13:51:07
          RE: Question - alwaysright MU - 6/9 11:08:12
          RE: Question - Harvest MU - 6/9 07:07:47
               I dont think anything will be more “logical” or as I would - alwaysright MU - 6/9 11:11:09
                    Play the best players - wu-tangtiger MU - 6/9 12:56:15
                         Didn't work out so good last season(nm) - alstl MU - 6/9 18:30:25
                              2 of the best players were injured - wu-tangtiger MU - 6/10 08:39:58
                                   Tonje and Grill? Grill never got 30 minutes in a game and - alstl MU - 6/10 09:18:26
                                        You may not see a 30 mpg player - wu-tangtiger MU - 6/10 16:07:06
                                             Then don't use injuries an excuse if Gates isn't giving - alstl MU - 6/10 19:53:17
                                                  Is 30 minutes the minimum to be considered big minutes? (nm) - wu-tangtiger MU - 6/10 21:46:03
                                                       If there aren't 2-3 players who are obviously better than - sprintcar STL - 6/11 08:45:22
                                                            That’s not really the Gates/Hamilton way - wu-tangtiger MU - 6/11 09:01:05
                         Agree, but also why you can't carry 15. Similar to Mo player - Sigma MU - 6/9 16:34:17
                              15 players when you play 10-12 regularly doesn’t matter - wu-tangtiger MU - 6/9 20:03:08
                         The teams that win have more than a 9-month plan - alwaysright MU - 6/9 14:31:42
               He shortened the bench for only that final game and - alstl MU - 6/9 07:22:34
                    It wasn’t just that game that he shortened the bench (nm) - wu-tangtiger MU - 6/9 08:09:43
                         What other game did 5 players get 30 minutes?(nm) - alstl MU - 6/9 09:52:01
                              RE: What other game did 5 players get 30 minutes?(nm) - Genco98 MU - 6/9 18:41:06
                                   i'm just trying to figure out why he suddenly tried to win - alstl MU - 6/10 10:27:41
                                        The situation was odd I agree - Genco98 MU - 6/10 14:02:18
                                             This likely will become another factor in college sports if - sprintcar STL - 6/10 14:25:27
                                                  RE: This likely will become another factor in college sports if - Genco98 MU - 6/11 08:10:02
                                                       Coaching decisions based on booster's desires. I'm sure - sprintcar STL - 6/11 08:34:58
                                                            Excellent point - yes that may have factored in - Genco98 MU - 6/11 13:29:55
     RE: A look at the 2024-25 MU bball roster and rotations - Ragarm MU - 6/8 20:04:16
          Our defense needs to improve a lot - we got away with it - alstl MU - 6/8 21:24:19

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