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RE: Are you for lock downs, Jabs & masking?

Posted on: June 3, 2024 at 14:57:20 CT
Ace AU
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Fauci should be mocked as one of the greatest - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 6/3 14:20:11
     don’t break your arm (nm) - pickle MU - 6/3 15:01:28
     He deserves a commendation after what he did during Covid - El-ahrairah BAMA - 6/3 14:35:56
          That still makes me laugh(nm) - meatiger MU - 6/3 15:37:53
          Hahahaha! Good afternoon Mr. Weatherman. (nm) - Outsider MU - 6/3 15:04:28
          Are you for lock downs, Jabs & masking? - mu4ever DUKE - 6/3 14:49:48
               RE: Are you for lock downs, Jabs & masking? - Ace A - 6/3 14:57:20
          ahem - CulturedDan KC - 6/3 14:47:34
          You spelled "called it back in May in 2020" wrong - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 6/3 14:33:17
               Aww, Smugs, did I hurt your feelings just now? - Ace A - 6/3 14:41:22
                    I did - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 6/3 14:57:19
                         isn't this lovely - Ace A - 6/3 15:03:03
                              And I was right yet again - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 6/3 15:04:15
                                   i doubt Chris Cuomo reads TB and knows who you are (nm) - pickle MU - 6/3 15:12:46
     RE: Fauci should be mocked as one of the greatest - CulturedDan KC - 6/3 14:26:48
     Yet, jg says Mask Up & Jab Up! - mu4ever DUKE - 6/3 14:25:28
     Sadly he will be role model for next gov psycho - RHAYWORTH MU - 6/3 14:24:17
          And so many here, and elsewhere, who not only went - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 6/3 14:26:39

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