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RE: Not on the coaches

Posted on: May 18, 2024 at 08:34:44 CT
Ragarm MU
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25.21 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
There was one incident that belongs on LA's 3rd base coaching head IMO. Laird trying to score on Honnald's line drive one hop to CF. With runner not allowed to leave base until the pitch had been released there was no enough time for her to score, plus I'm not sure she left the base much before the ball was hit.
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Not on the coaches - alzoo MU - 5/18 05:32:58
     Not sure I've ever seen a team save their best picher - samclemens MU - 5/18 09:17:18
     RE: Not on the coaches - header MU - 5/18 09:06:57
     LA does a lot of things right - warren7 MU - 5/18 08:56:31
     RE: Not on the coaches - Ragarm MU - 5/18 08:34:44
          RE: Not on the coaches - Eloise - 5/18 10:02:13
     LA's teams crumple under pressure. - Harvey Specter MU - 5/18 08:12:54
     it is a team, and coaches are part of it - fatrat MU - 5/18 05:37:15
     Coach LA ran them into two outs in the 3rd. - MIZ-STL-ZOU MU - 5/18 05:35:56
          RE: Coach LA ran them into two outs in the 3rd. - Gd Vibes MU - 5/18 07:12:48
               RE: Coach LA ran them into two outs in the 3rd. - Eloise - 5/18 10:28:10
               RE: Coach LA ran them into two outs in the 3rd. - Ragarm MU - 5/18 08:35:56

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