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RE: LA put us there. Lets see if she’s got the chops

Posted on: May 17, 2024 at 23:39:11 CT
Gd Vibes MU
Member For:
3.0 months
M.O.B. Votes:
You’re a loser keyboard warrior with little to no experience in softball and let’s add overall athletics as your comments are ignorant. Players need to execute the plan. Players are given the plan and they didn’t execute. Bunting is worked on and they didn’t get them down. Pitching did just enuff to give the offense a chance. Position players didn’t sell out to middle/away approaches and got caught in between. When you have lack of offense you as a HC at times try to make things happen and when that happens you put urself out there and it can work or it blows up in your face. What “promise land you referring to?” Your at Mizzou, what do you want? They have went to regionals every year, hosted numerous times and they have won and won a lot. Would love to know what you do for a living other than spout off random crap with little to no knowledge of how to coach and run a program. Go Away! 4 games is practical with their pitching and the mindset needs to be aggressive at the plate and let the **** go! Support of stay off this board you clown!
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Uno - bstiger MU - 5/17 20:25:42
     LA put us there. Lets see if she’s got the chops - samclemens MU - 5/17 20:28:12
          RE: LA put us there. Lets see if she’s got the chops - Eloise - 5/17 21:00:17
               RE: LA put us there. Lets see if she’s got the chops - header MU - 5/18 08:58:43
                    RE: LA put us there. Lets see if she’s got the chops - Eloise - 5/18 09:01:25
               RE: LA put us there. Lets see if she’s got the chops - Gd Vibes MU - 5/17 23:39:11

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