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If you simply made the playoffs

Posted on: May 17, 2024 at 19:32:06 CT
Calca STL
Member For:
11.50 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
you're almost a coach for life. You can look at Joel Quenneville's career and how many jobs he had before he made it work in Chicago.
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Craig Berube gets the Maple Leafs job - Calca STL - 5/17 19:04:21
     Former Blues coaches have performed well - Ferg MU - 5/17 20:46:59
          Coach Q has 3 (nm) - Hickeytime MU - 5/17 21:02:30
               16 cups for coaches that were fired by the - Ferg MU - 5/17 23:33:34
                    It's not really about the coaches - 615Tiger STL - 5/18 00:30:42
                         It's mostly the players - Ferg MU - 5/18 09:31:35
                              And all three went to teams with great core players - 615Tiger STL - 5/18 15:14:20
     Not a ton of pressure - meatiger MU - 5/17 19:17:34
          There's a ton of pressure - Calca STL - 5/17 19:37:01
               Last two coaches got 4 and 5 years - meatiger MU - 5/17 19:39:36
                    Cause of regular season results - Calca STL - 5/17 19:42:30
          what?!? Wow(nm) - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 5/17 19:19:44
               Leafs have the second most cups in the league - Calca STL - 5/17 19:30:27
                    right, that's why I found meat's post so shocking - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 5/17 19:50:18
               RE: what?!? Wow(nm) - meatiger MU - 5/17 19:25:48
     I don’t follow hockey closely but there seems to be a lot of - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 5/17 19:12:37
          If you simply made the playoffs - Calca STL - 5/17 19:32:06

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