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It was common a decade ago for nondegreed folks in customer

Posted on: May 17, 2024 at 15:15:31 CT
SwampTiger MU
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service in big companies to be blocked from advancement and getting any degree could open some otherwise closed doors within that company. The value there though was you were doing a good job and could advance there based on your performance but it doesn't translate to other companies without experience
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     It was common a decade ago for nondegreed folks in customer - SwampTiger MU - 5/17 15:15:31
          His issues seem to go far beyond the lack of a degree - Spanky KU - 5/17 15:33:14
               Some folks are just boneheaded and can't face being wrong(nm) - SwampTiger MU - 5/17 16:06:27
               The job market is also terrible for decent paying jobs.(nm) - TigerMatt MISS - 5/17 15:38:30
                    He wasted 2015-2021 getting a useless degree and deeper in - Spanky KU - 5/17 17:45:27
                         Yes. BUT when you see the job materials for a Poli - TigerMatt MISS - 5/17 21:38:08
     An associates degree is just a gen Ed degree. They are - DHighlander NWMSU - 5/17 15:05:00
          RE: An associates degree is just a gen Ed degree. They are - sarasotatiger MU - 5/17 19:56:38
          How did he think a PoliSci degree would help him land a job - Spanky KU - 5/17 15:15:22
               It's possible. I have an MBA but wound up a network engineer - AWOLTiger KC - 5/17 15:38:35
                    I did that until around 2005, then moved to malware and - TigerMatt MISS - 5/17 21:47:29
               Are you making a case he was discriminated against?(nm) - TigerMatt MISS - 5/17 15:33:27
                    He tried to make that case - Spanky KU - 5/17 17:46:48

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