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Mizzou rated highly

Posted on: May 17, 2024 at 09:53:30 CT
Merlin KC
Member For:
23.08 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
We recently moved to western Colorado. I was at something and met the local sports guy. Turns out he went to Florida He saw my MU cap and said hi. I mentioned we'd had pretty good luck against Florida. He replied Hell you've owned us.
They think highly of us in Colorado.
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Mizzou rated highly - Merlin KC - 5/17 09:53:30
     I was wearing a camo Mizzou cap in Denali while - HDTiger MU - 5/19 12:34:24
     I was in Italy wearing a Zou hat - CraigS STL - 5/19 08:33:20
     I travel to Vegas and Phoenix a lot to visit my sons - OntheMark MU - 5/18 01:13:16
     Around 2000, I was in Columbus, OH wearing - TigerMatt MISS - 5/17 20:44:26
          I’d say a lot has changed for MU since 2000 - MoGold MU - 5/18 08:45:58
     I was in a public bathroom in Barstow - Columbian Gold MU - 5/17 18:44:34
          I WAS ARRESTED IN THAT DADGUM RESTROOM!!!1 nDm - Mothball MU - 5/17 21:07:00
          Five inches or five fingers?(nm) - TigerMatt MISS - 5/17 20:45:16
          Thats the Barstow signal - samclemens MU - 5/17 20:37:43
     was at keeneland watching the ponies in my gold MU cap, - ADelpiero10 MU - 5/17 18:35:20
          RE: was at keeneland watching the ponies in my gold MU cap, - sarasotatiger MU - 5/17 19:43:31
     Colorado high(nm) - DevilsAdvocate KC - 5/17 17:38:29
     Strangely, if we have a ***** in the SEC it's Florida - XRob MU - 5/17 10:26:32
          Its Arkansas. - samclemens MU - 5/17 20:38:40
          Arkansas, Florida then USCe(nm) - MizzouAstro MU - 5/17 10:28:49
               We have to be pretty close to .500 with Florida (nm) - TheWildcat MU - 5/17 12:27:04
                    We're 7-6 against them - XRob MU - 5/17 13:22:47
                         Feels worse than that to me too - Merlin KC - 5/19 07:49:22
                    yes but relative to expecations that's the team we've - MizzouAstro MU - 5/17 12:42:25
                         Yea but we didn't figure we'd be Kentucky's ***** so - TheWildcat MU - 5/17 12:46:10
               Yeah but nobody expects Arkansas to be good - XRob MU - 5/17 11:54:47
                    Imagine if Petrino knew how to ride a bike - JayHoaxH8r MU - 5/17 11:56:20
     Winning 11 games as an SEC team and beating Ohio St - Eggs MU - 5/17 10:14:08
          I got a couple of smiles - mizzouSECedes STL - 5/17 10:43:18
               RE: I got a couple of smiles- I get them in Tampa also! - Stlmetz ARMY - 5/17 10:46:41
                    I get a fair amount of middle fingers... - tgrfan1 SEC - 5/17 10:52:37
                         Zou! - Genco98 MU - 5/18 18:20:50
                         Been there...but mostly good..Sunday morning in Publix - TampaTiger87 MU - 5/17 11:56:25
                              100% true. Love wearing my Mizzou shirt... - tgrfan1 SEC - 5/17 13:23:53
                         RE: I get a fair amount of middle fingers...HAHAHA - Stlmetz ARMY - 5/17 11:04:39

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